The Official Trek Thread

I liked the characters from TNG but I preferred the storyline of DS9. Never liked voyager or enterprise that much. Never could take TOS seriously due to Shatner. Anybody here know about the new Star Trek movie? I'm pretty sure J.J. Abrums is directing.

Edit: It's about Kurk and Spock at the Academy.Check out who they're casting for Spock:
Star trek should cut the bullshit. No one is gonna use the holodeck for Sherlocke Holmes mysteries and French Cafes. We all know what they use it for.
Mildly related to ST:

<Erasmus> You know how you can really annoy a trekkie fan when you're watching Star Trek? Suddenly point at the screen and shout "Hey, isn't that Captain Jon Luc Skywalker?!"
<Erasmus> You can actually see them wince as the mix up causes them physical pain.
<Erasmus> You then wait till they've spent ten minutes explaining to you (in minute detail) the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, pretend to think deeply for a minute, and say: "but he is a Jedi, right?"
<Erasmus> This can cause instant cardiac arrest in some of the more hardcore Trekkie fans.
I like TNG (after the first few seasons atleast, which are mostly bad) and DS9. I would consider myself more of a casual viewer than a fan but the series certainly had its moments. Voyager was horrible though, and from what I've seen of Enterprise it hasn't gotten any better since then.
I like TNG (after the first few seasons atleast, which are mostly bad) and DS9. I would consider myself more of a casual viewer than a fan but the series certainly had its moments. Voyager was horrible though, and from what I've seen of Enterprise it hasn't gotten any better since then.

Enterprise was shit. I liked DS9 even if it dealt too much with contemporary politics. TNG was totally awesome, but you're right seasons 1 and 7 were pretty bad, except for the All Good Things. I can't decide whether TNG or Babylon 5 is my favorite TV series.

oh, and Trek > Wars