The Official Trek Thread

I find Sci-fi more entertaining to read than watch.

I agree... however, theres so much of it out there, I honestly never know where to start. I'm sure theres a lot of shit sci-fi writers and novels as well. I'm not sure if I'm missing out or anything. So I just don't really bother.

I don't like Star Trek... I just find it boring, all iterations of it. I can tell you why, but let's avoid it. I've seen a lot of Star Trek because of my geek of a step-father... mostly through blackmail. I'm not a Star Wars fan either, that was just when I was about nine years old or something. Personally, a lot of the fans creep me out from both. The conventions are hilarious to watch from afar, but if you should ever attend one...

The only science fiction that really turns me on happens to be the warhammer 40k universe. I just won't buy the fucking toys.
Patrick Stewart still looks the same as he did at the beginning of TNG.
I haven't read this thread thoroughly but anyways... I love Star Trek. My dad grew me up on the movies and TOS. But it wasn't till about 6 months ago that I can truely say I'm fan of Star Trek. I recently snagged every season of Voyager and TNG and I already watched every Ep. of Voyager and loved all but like 4 or 5 Eps. And now I'm on TNG right at the tale end of Season 4 and just loving it.

I don't get why nobody likes Star Trek anymore, it's such a fucking great TV show. But whatever people can miss out on a good thing if they want, I think they just say they don't like the show so that people will think they are "cool" or some shit. But fuck it I learned a long time ago just do what you like fuck what people think is "cool" or not.

Anyways didn't mean to go off topic their, so yea... I'm looking forward to watching Enterprise next, although I have to say DS9 I never really liked that much I think most of the characters on that show just seem like their acting and I don't believe them, but who knows maybe the show may grow on me.
Deep Space Nine is by far my favorite because it “breaks the mold” of traditional Star Trek. It wasn’t just the usual find new planet, meet cool aliens, fight and leave 3-step process employed in much of the other Trek series.

The characters are amazingly well developed and episode plots focus equally well on action and intrigue as well as the more humane personal stories. For once, not everyone is the perfect smiling Starfleet officer. You’ve got characters like Garak, the ex-secret operative who now works as a tailor (or does he….?), and Quark, who’s supposedly a capitalist, money hungry sneak who will do whatever it takes to acquire more latinum, but deep down might actually be more honorable than a Klingon.

The entire Bajoran / Cardassian / Dominion / Federation storyline is such an epic war saga, and I remember being on the verge of tears at the end of the final episode. It is a bit hard to get into the series because of the continuing story arc, but well worth it.

As for the others, TOS is wonderful in a “this is what cheesy sci-fi should be” kind of way. TNG is my second favorite series; the later seasons were absolute quality. I enjoyed Voyager at the time it aired, cheers to them for picking a female captain, but it didn’t have replay value. Enterprise, I stopped following after about 3 episodes…

Yes, I’m a geek :erk:
Don't a couple of characters from TNG appear in DS9?

Hmm, if it has more action I guess I'll have to check it out.

TNG was definitely the leader in everything except action; great stories in each episode.

And for the record: Bajorans > Cardassians.