The Official Trek Thread

Martok for me. Somehow he just oozes more cool then Worf does (who is also an awesome character), and doesn't need to kill masses of Jem'Hadar to be intimidating. He just has the aura of a man who has nothing to prove.

Garak is a close second for the huge array of witty quips he says during the series.
Why has no one commented on the fact that Simon Pegg is going to play Scotty in the new movie. I thought that was pretty awesome.

I recently started watching the last two seasons of DS9 again. I still think in terms of characterization and story arc that show is head and shoulders above any other Star Trek series. My only complaint about it is still (as with all Star Trek shows to some degree) very inconsistent in quality. You'll have an awesome episode one day and then a ferengi or alternate universe one the next (and if you're especially lucky, a ferengi alternate universe one).
I like some of the Ferengi ones, like the one where they meet with Iggy Pop on Empok(sp?) Nor, but usually they suck like the one where Quark dresses as a woman :ill:. The alternate universe ones were always stupid as well.

I think they best non storyline one though is where Sisko has that dream/vision where he is a writer in the 50's who is black and suffers from racism and writes the story of DS9. Very moving.
I personally liked the Ferengi stories. A nice change of pace from all the action.

The only complaint I have with DS9 applies to most sci-fi shows: regular human (or similar) characters battling and defeating supposedly vastly superior warriors bred for combat. When you see Sisko defeating several Klingons armed with Bat'leths with his bare hands, you have to think 'okay then...'

The fact that in the battle scenes the only ship that ever seems to have shields is the Defiant isn't so bad, but again...the small details count...
What the goddamn fuck? That was Iggy Pop? I thought I recognized his face from somewhere.

And yeah, that episode in the 50's was epic. That single DS9 episode had more good writing going on than the entire Voyager series.
I personally liked the Ferengi stories. A nice change of pace from all the action.

The only complaint I have with DS9 applies to most sci-fi shows: regular human (or similar) characters battling and defeating supposedly vastly superior warriors bred for combat. When you see Sisko defeating several Klingons armed with Bat'leths with his bare hands, you have to think 'okay then...'

The fact that in the battle scenes the only ship that ever seems to have shields is the Defiant isn't so bad, but again...the small details count...
It's the Star Fleet combat style of the push and then the two handed thump to the back. Works every time.
So about this new movie. Is it going to be based off of any of the old episodes, or is it going to have an original plot? Will it incoporate the species that were introduced in later Star Trek series and not in TOS?
From what little is heard of Klingon Opera (mostly from an episode of DS9 where Nog is retuning Worf's music collection), I think I'd enjoy it a great deal.

But then I do enjoy Drone Metal, so my tastes are subject to raised eyebrows at the best of times.