The Official Trek Thread

I've only watched TNG Season 1-7 and First Contact. Need to see more TNG movies.

My Facebook name was Laurf Rozhenko for several months. Romulans can fuck themselves, hence my username.
I've seen the original series, most of TNG, and the first five movies. The original series is cool in a low budget sort of way but painful at times. TNG is a lot better.
i'm a huge Trekkie, here's how i got into it
my mom was a huge sci-fi dork
star trek, star wars, the x-files, babylon 5, doctor who, outer limits, pretty much any thing you could call sci-fi and my mom was glued to the screen, so my earliest memory of star-trek was staying up with her watching the 60s kirk trek with her durring the gap of time when those 60s episodes were being shown at 3 in the morning and then suddenly, star trek the next generation is being made, and i remember me and my mom getting worked up about it "new sci-fi show, woo-hoo" and intently watching the very first episode of the next generation the very first time it's being broadcast-ed and we're all exited about it and my older sister is looking at us like we're crazy, i've been in love with the whole star trek universe ever since
When it comes to the movies, the movies with the original cast all kick ass; the series however, is weeeaksauce. All the TNG-era movies are fucking awesome. Except for Nemesis, but that movie doesn't actually exist. :V Discuss.
yeah nemisis was weird
but how come you don't like the re-booted series??
I don't like the original series because of how camp and cheesy it is.

As I said, the movies (The Motion Picture to The Undiscovered Country) were great, as well as the 2009 reboot. But the series itself... ugh. Like 1 or 2 episodes I like, the rest I find super cheesy and lame.
The camp and cheese is part of its appeal. The Enterprise crew vs. Klingons fighting with medieval swords and shit? Come on. You can't tell me that wasn't awesome.
I don't like the original series because of how camp and cheesy it is.

As I said, the movies (The Motion Picture to The Undiscovered Country) were great, as well as the 2009 reboot. But the series itself... ugh. Like 1 or 2 episodes I like, the rest I find super cheesy and lame.

i'm sorry
i misunderstood you
i thought you were saying that you didn't like the re-booted movies

If those who love Star Trek are called "trekkies," how come those who love Star Wars aren't called "warries"?

This has always bugged me, and I hope to write a book about it someday.
The sci-fi scene warfare between Star Wars and Star Trek is ridiculous since the two franchises are completely dissimilar.
I didn't get into ST until recently. My girlfriend got me into TNG and I got hooked about halfway into the first season. My girlfriend made me watch The Wrath of Khan last weekend and I attempted to watch The Undiscovered Country but kept dozing off because it was late. I shall be watching it without falling asleep soon..

My girlfriend got the first two seasons of DS9 as we are about 4 episodes into the final season of TNG. I can't watch the original series now as I find it really campy compared to TNG.