The Official Trek Thread

Used to love it especially when I was really young, back in the early 90's. I had models, toys and went to a convention in NY once too. My favorite was the film versions, part I-IV. The Next Generation was pretty cool too, but never got into where it started crossing into the films. By that point, I lost interest. Nothing beats the Kirk era tho.

So I'm getting a Starfleet uniform for halloween; command red, Captain's rank. I'm trying to decide which era of uniform looks better, I really can't decide.


Or this:

On the one hand, the former is simpler and more clean-looking, but the second one's colors are more subdued and less in-your-face. I don't know.
I just finished the entire TNG series today. My girlfriend and I have moved onto DS9!

DS9 is boooring as fuck in my opinion. I can't watch it aside from the space battle episodes.

TNG and Voyager are the only series I can watch, really, even though I've been warming up to select episodes of the original series.

Best uniforms were from movies II-VI in my opinion.

I like those uniforms too, really militaristic and classy. But eh... I don't find 'em very "Trekky". The "primary color" (red command division/yellow ops division/blue sciences division) format for uniforms pleases me. Plus, when it comes to making a halloween costume, the Voyager-era costumes will likely be super-easy to make. Shouldn't be too hard to find a grey turtleneck, and a black jumpsuit, and sew some red fabric onto the shoulders.
DS9 is the best imo. Best story arcs and some of the best characters, especially season 4 onwards. Its just a shame they kindof flaked and the finale isn't what it could have been imo. TNG is the other essential series for me. VOY has some great episodes but as a whole, not as good.

I still have all of my VHS of Trek, around 80. I haven't really watched any of them since i got a couple of DVD boxes but I'll have to do it sometime.
I bought one of the TNG fiction books for 25 cents at a used book sale for beach reading. #35 "The Romulan Stratagem" - not bad, these damned things read exactly like TV episodes. Might need to buy #1-34.
you guys do realize the whole "federation's war with the dominion" was just made to appeal to "starwars fans", you did notice that, right?
Elaborate this theory of yours.

it wasn't my theory
when DS9 was still making episodes, all my friends thought it was blatantly obvious that the dominion war was a rip-off of starwars,
also the dominion war being a rip-off of starwars is mentioned on the following webpages;wap2
The original star trek is just kinda meh for me, same with DS9. Star Trek:Enterprise, was good but not great. However TNG, Voyager, and the Movies are all great in my opinion.

I wish they would make a new series again, hopefully with the reboot they will.
Deep Space 9 was homosexual. I only really like The Next Generation but the captain is a Yorkshireman, which makes it amazing. It also has the best characters in general really. Enterprise is ok. Some of the spark has been lost though. The characters just aren't colourful enough, it gets gay in parts too.