The Official Trek Thread

This is a thread to talk about Star Trek. Hopefully it will work. I am a huge fan if you couldn't tell by my av, and I especially like TNG and DS9. I have a few seasons of both on DVD and they're great. My favorite characaters are Gul Dukat and Data.

not into star trek myself... i liked the movies growing up. my friend rich is a huge ST fan however and has met both shatner and takei.
I think I just realized why Voyager sucked. It's a feminist's dream show. All the male characters are weak and pathetic always talking about their feelings (Kim, Doctor, Chakotay) or annoying (Paris and Neelix) and the females run the show (Janeway, Torres, Seven). The only character not following this trend was Tuvok who wasn't even a character, really, more of a prop "The Black Vulcan". Kes could have been okay but she left after season 1.
The problems really were in the characters. Torres was really annoying and irrational. NOT a good engineer. Kim was a pussy but I liked him. Chakotay just talked in monotone about "ancient lengends" while nursing his raging hard on for Janeway. Seven and Tuvok were boring and Paris and Neelix were annoying. Janeway was alright but too preachy. It worked for Picard, but not her as much. Kes was meh. The Doctor rocked hard though, even if his schtick occasionally got old.

It's Star Trek though so I really like the show :D
It could have been great, and must admit I liked it in Season 1 before the characters started to annoy me. I gave up on it after Season 3, I think.

It was probably the most epic Star Trek premise of all but they destroyed it. I mean, stranded on the other side of the galaxy and they are still dealing with the usual hum-drum humanoid type characters which are less weird than the things found in our own oceans. At least TNG had the pool of tar which talked and DS9 had the changelings.

Well, at least it was better than Enterprise.
Well, technically speaking ST has been on a downhill run since TNG's peak in the late 80s. I'm expecting Star Trek XI to be even worse given the Lost team are making it. I'm tired of getting my hopes up for every new film and series in the and being let down - the franchise is dead since DS9 ended but but it had a damn good run.
I think we're pretty easy to please. By now I'd be happy watching a few ships flying round and no plot at all, as long as I got to see Picard saying ridiculous lines in Shakespearean fashion, Worf bash a few Romulans while muttering "Yes, Captain", with a few Data jokes thrown in for good measure.
I am a huge Trekkie. In fact, have been since I was 6, but only recently just got back into the movies and the series again.

I still have all my old VHS's. In fact, in the past three months, I have watched Generations at least 15 times.

When it comes to the series, I've been binging pretty hard on The Next Generation and Voyager lately. It feels awesome getting back into this shit I haven't seen since my youth.

When it comes to the movies, the movies with the original cast all kick ass; the series however, is weeeaksauce. All the TNG-era movies are fucking awesome. Except for Nemesis, but that movie doesn't actually exist. :V
