The Official Trek Thread

It picks up in the later seasons, what with all the fleet battles and everything, but the early seasons are just so goddamn dry. :/
When I watched the first season of TNG, I didn't think Riker was a cool character. Several of my friends were like "just wait until he gets a beard dude." I thought that was the stupidest thing ever until I began the second season and saw the beard. Then it all became clear to me.
I think I'm going to re-watch TNG to see if his personality actually changes as he goes from being beardless to bearded.

Over the past couple of days, I've watched The Undiscovered Country, Generations, First Contact, and Insurrection. First Contact was probably my favorite but they were all great.
It picks up in the later seasons, what with all the fleet battles and everything, but the early seasons are just so goddamn dry. :/

DS9's war with the Dominion was the most awesome thing on television
but, yeah, DS9 before that was sorta boring

i guess it's kinda like how TNG was totally crap till Tasha Yar died, and then all of a sudden becoming cool,
seriously, i think the death of Tasha Yar was the dividing line
before Tasha died = crap
after Tasha died = awesome
I agree. I can't really see why most people think it sucked.

why people thought Nemesis sucked

some people thought that the whole "villian character having a grudge against the captain of the starship thing" looked like a rip-off of Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan

some people thoght that the whole "villian being a clone of the captain of a starship thing" looked like TOS episode where there's a clone of Kirk

some people thought Shinzon's shiny costume looked gay

some people didn't like the whole romulan/reman backstory thing with the remans being used for slave labor

some people didn't like the reman make-up
i loved "yesterday's enterprise" and the episode with Tasha's sister and the episodes with Tasha's daughter,
those were all awesome,
i just didn't like the episodes of TNG that happened before Tasha died,
the death episode itself looked like it was just done as a way of showing that TNG was a show where "major characters can die"
I loved Tasha's character. And I love all of season 1. The only thing that bugs me about the first two seasons of TNG are the uniforms, so gay. Glad they tweaked them.
Is the remastering job any good? I was gonna watch it but I was afraid the CGI would ruin the original Enterprise.
I've got 6 weeks holidays coming up next week and have just copied 100 or so episodes of this show onto my hard drive along with a heap of other scifi series like Psyche,Lost Girl,Warehouse 13,Torchwood and all the Stargates.I plan on getting really stoned,eating junk food and having a go at watching this show.Hopefully it draws me in and does'nt make me fall asleep.