The Official Trek Thread

I can't tell if I like The Voyage Home or not.

On the one hand, pros:
- The cast's performance is incredibly comedic and hilarious (especially Kirk and Chekov)
- Not really that valid of a reason, but it's really nostalgic for me, reminds me of my youth.

- No Enterprise. :( Part of the reason I watch Star Trek is to see the Enterprise, or whatever other Federation ship is the focus of the show.
- Not really that valid of a reason, but it's really nostalgic for me, reminds me of my youth.


The Voyage home was always one of my favorites. When I was a kid, I thought it was the coolest thing that the crew went back in time to "modern" day and that they didn't understand the way things worked in that time period. Yeah, there was no Enterprise, but I thought the Klingon ship they stole was pretty cool in itself.
Watched The Final Frontier, The Undiscovered Country and Generations today.

Not sure what to think yet. Looking forward to watching First Contact next weekend though.
honestly i gotta say that the star trek franchise is definitively a hell of a lot better than any of the things that are being praised in the "good television thread"
Generations and First Contact are some of the best Trek movies. Those, along with Insurrection and Wrath of Khan.
It's about time this thread was bumped. I'm reaching the end of season six of TNG and about to start on seven. Disaster is a good episode but not one of my favorites (so far). I've really enjoyed all the Q episodes and the episodes that focus on Data. Also, the Borg episodes are all gold.
The Best of Both Worlds 1 and 2 are two of my favorite TNG episodes.

Watching VOY: Caretaker right now. Leave it to a woman captain to get a ship lost 70,000 lightyears from home. Goddamn. I love Voyager, but that episode steams me.
Watching VOY: Caretaker right now. Leave it to a woman captain to get a ship lost 70,000 lightyears from home. Goddamn. I love Voyager, but that episode steams me.

Dude, I went over to a chick's house that I met on OKCupid and she has Netflix. We watched that episode and now I really want to order the first season of Voyager. Shit might be epic..
Finished TNG not too long ago. It's one of those shows where you feel like you're saying goodbye to friends when it ends. Should be starting DS9 soon.
Finished TNG not too long ago. It's one of those shows where you feel like you're saying goodbye to friends when it ends. Should be starting DS9 soon.

DS9 is really slow starting out, but I heard it really picks up when Worf joins the cast..

TNG is seriously one of the best things I've ever seen. My top 2 in TV series next to The West Wing.

I ordered Season 2 of DS9 on DVD and it should be here next week!
I've heard DS9 is pretty similar to TNG in style but with less cool characters. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't like it.

Also, Star Trek is a slow and boring* show in general. I don't see how DS9 would be different.

*Applies to people who can't handle the slow pace. I personally don't find it boring.