The personal shi thread

Bump for personal shittyness.

Grandmother has Stage 4 Lung Cancer, my mom is spending all her time with her and doesn't come home for days.... when she DOES come home, she just gets clothes and stuff and leaves again..... Still having no friends.... Being worried all the time..... *sigh* :(
Bump for personal shittyness.

Grandmother has Stage 4 Lung Cancer, my mom is spending all her time with her and doesn't come home for days.... when she DOES come home, she just gets clothes and stuff and leaves again..... Still having no friends.... Being worried all the time..... *sigh* :(

My mum did the exact same when my gran was 'ill', god I hate that term but I hate discussing cancer, that shit just fucks everyone over. But yeah, she cared for my gran basically every day until she passed, shit got tough for a while so I know how you are feeling. I'm here if you need to talk love.
*kicks God in the balls*

Yeah like thats going to help Dave. Nevermind.

My boss was diagnosed with a brain tumour a couple of weeks ago. They operated last week and he might be home tomorrow. Apparently non malignant but its still pretty serious. So I'm not expecting him to be back working for a little while. Trouble is though my workmate is leaving for a new job in a couple of weeks time and the other guy I work with is a druggie fuck up who isn't very good to work with.

I don't mean to sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet here but I'll really be the only one who can speak to customers deal with tyre orders and crap like that. Its going to be a poor time for a start.
Just got scared shitless when I heard a loud noise in my sisters room. For fucks sake, that PTSS thing blows. Keep inventing excuses to go into her room and see if she's alright, seen that I can't just dash into her room and see if she's ok.
Ok seeing this is the ideal place to get shit of my chest

I saw my surgeon today after contacting him on Friday to say that my ankles are in extreme agony and what have you

Click on this link and go to the and go to the section that says Wedge Osteotomy, thats what he did to me and what has happened now is that I am am struggling to stand up and it feels if I'e had 2 golf balls inserted in my ankles, it transpires I have been over exterting myself and inflamed my tendons, basically what he said to me is that I should not be on my feet at all for 4 weeks at least and I should refrain from walking unless it's absoultely necessary.

A bastard that considering I was walking up and down the stairs, going out to the shops as I was going out of my mind being kinda bed ridden all day and night. Now I have to remain flat on my back for as much as possible for the next 3 weeks to give my tendons a chance to heal.

I am getting depresssed about this as I can't even go out for anything just now and I hate it, I hate not being able to do anything, I will be seeing the surgeon again in December as part of my recuperation period.
I suppose a Wheelchair isn't a pragmatic solution? I've just had a microscopic picture of what you're dealing with. I've been confined to my dorm for the past three days writing three essays and studying for two tests. both of which went miserably by the way. oh well, it's over now. Here's hoping that you'll heal faster than expected. cheers.
I suppose a Wheelchair isn't a pragmatic solution? I've just had a microscopic picture of what you're dealing with. I've been confined to my dorm for the past three days writing three essays and studying for two tests. both of which went miserably by the way. oh well, it's over now. Here's hoping that you'll heal faster than expected. cheers.

Thanks mate, but in a way it was my own fault by rushing to get better instead of letting my body heal itself in it's own time

Where the fuck is JC when you need him?????? That fuckin hairy arsed hippy

Ugh, in sets the 'winter blues', I hate winter, I do fuck all but sit about and fucking hate everyone. Honest to god. I'm sick of the self centered pricks I know and the fact when I try to do anything nice it just backfires and makes me look a fucking moron. Stuff has been shit since the beginning of October, then it finally got amazing on Saturday, but now it's all just downhill again. Everyone in my family is ill right now; my grandad, mum, dad, myself, oh and my brother wound up in hospital because he displayed all the symptoms of a heart attack and he's only 27, not overweight or anything, he's like a 6"4 twig. FUUUUUU

Shit isn't fair and that's about the jist of it, I suppose life isn't meant to easy.