The personal shi thread

- I'm totally not fitting into the current schoolyear people. I barely talk to anyone. I'm pretty edge to depressed right now, I fear it will be like 2 years ago when I had no contact whatsoever for half a year. Did some stupid stuff to myself back then, not a good idea.
- My body is letting me down again. My jaw is acting up again, one of my eyes startings watering like fuck when I go outside and see just a tad bit of light.
- Evile pre-order got fucked up? They stated I'd get an email when the order was shipped. Today's release date, still no email.
- let's add to the list the usual. 18,5 years and never even have kissed a girl, barely any contact with other people blablabla
- I'm totally not fitting into the current schoolyear people. I barely talk to anyone. I'm pretty edge to depressed right now, I fear it will be like 2 years ago when I had no contact whatsoever for half a year. Did some stupid stuff to myself back then, not a good idea.
- My body is letting me down again. My jaw is acting up again, one of my eyes startings watering like fuck when I go outside and see just a tad bit of light.
- Evile pre-order got fucked up? They stated I'd get an email when the order was shipped. Today's release date, still no email.
- let's add to the list the usual. 18,5 years and never even have kissed a girl, barely any contact with other people blablabla

I didn't get a mail either love.

Sorry about the health shit and everything else! :(
- I'm totally not fitting into the current schoolyear people. I barely talk to anyone. I'm pretty edge to depressed right now, I fear it will be like 2 years ago when I had no contact whatsoever for half a year. Did some stupid stuff to myself back then, not a good idea.
- My body is letting me down again. My jaw is acting up again, one of my eyes startings watering like fuck when I go outside and see just a tad bit of light.
- Evile pre-order got fucked up? They stated I'd get an email when the order was shipped. Today's release date, still no email.
- let's add to the list the usual. 18,5 years and never even have kissed a girl, barely any contact with other people blablabla

just wondering. have you been checked for aspergers syndrome? because it's starting to sound like it. I'm no psychologist mind you.
just wondering. have you been checked for aspergers syndrome? because it's starting to sound like it. I'm no psychologist mind you.
I have not. Though I have been seeing a psychologist so if there's something wrong with me she should tell me. :erk:

last thing I'm going to rant about today; Anger. I've been bottling up everything that has ever happened to me. And I dread the day that someone pushes me over the line and I go berserk. Fucked up thing is I've imagined that moment in my head over a 1000 times and I see it as a relieving happy thing. Finally let go off issues and stuff. :erk:
have you tried boxing?
Oh and asperrgers is fairly unknown. my brother was only just diagnosed with it 5 years ago, and that was by a specialist in aspergers syndrome.
have you tried boxing?
Oh and asperrgers is fairly unknown. my brother was only just diagnosed with it 5 years ago, and that was by a specialist in aspergers syndrome.
I'm not that social (although I'd love to be) so joining new things is something I always loathe. Also I eat my bodyweight in unhealthy stuff and I still stick around 65-70 kilo's so I'm not gonna be great at boxing. :lol:
I'm not that social (although I'd love to be) so joining new things is something I always loathe. Also I eat my bodyweight in unhealthy stuff and I still stick around 65-70 kilo's so I'm not gonna be great at boxing. :lol:
featherweight devision mate. featherweight devision. we all need to beat the shit out of something from time to time. i kick the low e strings ass regularly for example.
featherweight devision mate. featherweight devision. we all need to beat the shit out of something from time to time. i kick the low e strings ass regularly for example.
I also drum so I just spent a few minutes just trying to see how fast I could hit stuff. But I wasn't satisfied as I couldn't get so fast (only been drumming two months).
Ah well we'll see.. day after tomorrow I have an appointment at the psychologist again.
Me, Never the Same, and Siobhan keep this thread alive :lol:

Is that good or bad? :(

Anyways, hope you feel better dude. We're here for ya if you need us comrade. :)
have you tried boxing?
Oh and asperrgers is fairly unknown. my brother was only just diagnosed with it 5 years ago, and that was by a specialist in aspergers syndrome.

Yeah aspergers is very difficult to diagnose, two of my friends have it, one is borderline and one is severe. Although to be honest, it affects them in the way that they find it hard to adapt to new social sitations, Sean used to not talk a lot and just communicate through noises, which we found awesome yet everyone else didn't, so we made friends with him so the dicks would fuck off and it turns out he's an awesome guy, just seems weird if you don't know about him.
My personal shit? Still ill, my broken ribs aren't healing at all and it feels like the bottom one keeps catching on the rest of the intact ribs giving me a lot of pain meaning I have to physically push it so I can be more comfortable, also due to the ribs I have Tietze's and now with the flu I'm getting severe chest pains and finding it hard to catch my breath, so that's another doctors/hospital appointment for me. Apart from the illness the only other shitty thing is the fact I'm about to become an aunt for the 2nd time, my brother lives in Australia, I've only seen my 3 year old niece twice and my soon to be born nephew I won't see until he is at least 8 months old, I'm not a real family kind of person - me and my bro have 10 years between us so we aren't close - but it still sucks at the same time.

Ah...oh well!
Educate yourself Diddy

Basically in easy terms, it's a form of autism in a way, but not as severe I think.
Maybe Zehm will be able to clarify.

well the primairy effect of it is that one has trouble recognising nonverbal cues when trying to communicate. we also tend to lack because of this we often have trouble making friends as young children so we become reluctant to really stick our necks out to try to form new friendships.
because of the lack of nonverbal skills, we find ways of compensating. I myself had an adult like vocabulairy by the time I was 10. i recall using the word amalgamation in a 5th grade class. this helped great when talking to adults, but estranged me from my peers untill i got to highschool. I prety much had to learn social skills like a formula. I just couldn't understand why I would make people cry or angry just because i said something that was completely true.
it is also often paired with ADD-like symptoms, and a lack of coordination, and an aversion to eye contact, although these aren't always present. oh and one that my brother has is an aversion to change. if you change plans on him say an hour before hand, even if its to something he'd really rather do, he won't want to, he'll just drop out of the activity completely. like once, he and his friends had planed to go see a movie, one that he didn't particularly want to see. then three hours before they were going to go, they all decided to go play halo. he decided to stay home. Like siobhan said, we don't like new social situations. I myself won't talk untill I've kinda figured everyone out. and even then I'll just add a comment here and there to other people's conversations.

the one that is most indicitive is the tendancy to fixate on certain topics and immerse onself in related data. I myself was sure that I would be a baseball player and had commited the stats on the back of all of my baseball cards to memory. (over 1000 cards mind you) then I decided that i was going to be a genius in general (I was 7) and started reading science and history books for hours at a time. after that i was into astronomy, then I was obsessed with paleontology, and had a very specific knowledge of all collected data on the velociraptor. then there was kung fu and kung fu films, and after that I got into heavy metal and that's held for five years. If you listen to dream theater's solitairy shell the character therein is almost typical of aspergers syndrome. when I first heard it it was kind of a 'Holy Shit' moment.

this is for males though. girls tend to beat themselves into a 'normal kid' mold. so they're really hard to diagnose.

sorry to go on and on. but like i said both my brother and I have it. so we both got really "into it"

come to think of it this almost describes Dr. House. :)
That was very informative. Thank you. :)

Yeah, I just don't like people pretty much. I'll talk to people at work depending on what they're talking about.... Two people I talk to just to piss off because they do the same to me. Everyone else has NOTHING in common with me so I have no real "friends"..... haven't since 8th grade.... before my life went to shit.

One of those friends, finally contacted me last year and said "We'll pick you up if you come to our Halloween party". Sweet! Sounds cool dude. Yeah.... what a bunch of fuckin losers. Alchoholic potheads is what they are now. These chicks were like "We should involve Keenan in some conversation..." and I was "Noooooooo thanks. I just wanna go home".
One dude just kept talking about pot, the other came left and came back a half hour later with $100 worth of alcohol.
Neither one is worth my time and I haven't talked to em since.

Most of my "real" friends (if you can call them that) are on PSN lol. Not to mention my girl, who I can only talk to through my cell phone....

Why the fuck did I just type this? Oh well. SUBMIT
well the primairy effect of it is that one has trouble recognising nonverbal cues when trying to communicate. we also tend to lack because of this we often have trouble making friends as young children so we become reluctant to really stick our necks out to try to form new friendships.
because of the lack of nonverbal skills, we find ways of compensating. I myself had an adult like vocabulairy by the time I was 10. i recall using the word amalgamation in a 5th grade class. this helped great when talking to adults, but estranged me from my peers untill i got to highschool. I prety much had to learn social skills like a formula. I just couldn't understand why I would make people cry or angry just because i said something that was completely true.
it is also often paired with ADD-like symptoms, and a lack of coordination, and an aversion to eye contact, although these aren't always present. oh and one that my brother has is an aversion to change. if you change plans on him say an hour before hand, even if its to something he'd really rather do, he won't want to, he'll just drop out of the activity completely. like once, he and his friends had planed to go see a movie, one that he didn't particularly want to see. then three hours before they were going to go, they all decided to go play halo. he decided to stay home. Like siobhan said, we don't like new social situations. I myself won't talk untill I've kinda figured everyone out. and even then I'll just add a comment here and there to other people's conversations.

the one that is most indicitive is the tendancy to fixate on certain topics and immerse onself in related data. I myself was sure that I would be a baseball player and had commited the stats on the back of all of my baseball cards to memory. (over 1000 cards mind you) then I decided that i was going to be a genius in general (I was 7) and started reading science and history books for hours at a time. after that i was into astronomy, then I was obsessed with paleontology, and had a very specific knowledge of all collected data on the velociraptor. then there was kung fu and kung fu films, and after that I got into heavy metal and that's held for five years. If you listen to dream theater's solitairy shell the character therein is almost typical of aspergers syndrome. when I first heard it it was kind of a 'Holy Shit' moment.

this is for males though. girls tend to beat themselves into a 'normal kid' mold. so they're really hard to diagnose.

sorry to go on and on. but like i said both my brother and I have it. so we both got really "into it"

come to think of it this almost describes Dr. House. :)
Some parts of that I can really find myself in, except the empathy part. I've had more girl friends than guy friends in the past who could trust me with everything.
Well i cant relate to most of that, i've always had friends despite differences, i guess it doesn't matter as much in UK or something, but I really don't know why but i cannot look a person in the eye for more than like a second, i have no idea. But yeah the friends thing its not an issue to me, first day of college i had a few mates already because i just spoke to people. The empathy part, erm i don't particularly get on with either girls or lads, its just when i do get on with girls its "good friends" haha at school i was known as the funny crazy one, i seriously believe i have mild schizophrenia or something, but i don't know, like if you saw me with family or parents you would be like oh he seemed fine yeah, but if i was with friends i'd be more outgoing and my mad side would show more. My dad always says and thinks im depressed, or Mardy as he says it when im not i just don't talk at home i only talk really if they ask me something haha seems wierd. I would love to get checked out for mental conditions because to me it would be really interesting, so yeah thanks for informing me Siobhan and Zehm. :)