The Tech Question Thread

you know what's pretty much bulletproof technology? the optical mouse ... has one ever gone bad on you?

i use 3 for about 5-6 years now without any issues.
buttons/wheels have gone bad on one or two but not the actual optical tracking part

i agree, in a world where everything gets worse all the time, this particular thing has actually gotten better. fuck ball mice forever
you know what's pretty much bulletproof technology? the optical mouse ... has one ever gone bad on you?

i use 3 for about 5-6 years now without any issues.
I generally agree but yes, one got so hot the cable melted all of a sudden with no advance warning, weird shit. Worked fine up until then.
see what I mean about Microsoft Erik?

all the current "hot" guys are seemingly shooting themselves in the foot.
i agree that google search was getting bad BUT they fixed it! you can turn on "verbatim" mode now, and suddenly it's good again (look for it in the right sidebar)

but no one uses bing. no one uses bing. the only folks that do use bing are the peeps who can't figure out how to 1) switch from IE to a browser that functions or 2) change their default search engine in IE. bing has btw the absolute worst logo i've seen from a major company in so, so long. design-wise, the site is an absolute mess.

oh look they've barely outpaced yahoo. who the hell uses yahoo

yeah this shit looks pretty purdy as long as you colour within the very tightly defined lines of what you can do with it, but have you considered what happens whenever you need to launch office or any other app for doing actual work

it reverts back to the same UI that they've had since 1995, only now with the added confusion that there's two different UI paradigms and all "legacy" apps will use the old one while the "new" apps will only function in the metro interface? cool this will not be confusing and terrible at all

i mean as long as you want to check your twitter or browse your pictures or whatever, yeah sure, great, your computer now looks like a cell phone, but computers are generally used to get shit done, and this eye candy bullshit is not conducive to that

remember "active desktop" in windows 98? this is pretty much that, anno 2012, and it's going to die as painful a death

When you leave a program, it's suspended in the background—then when you want to go back, it's brought back out to play. Or if the system needs resources, it gets killed in the background, just like iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

this is i think the worst idea i've ever heard
I agree that Windows 8 presents a HUGE issue for the typical business user ... and I know MS has thought about that. Wonder how this will be handled as this new OS is a radical departure.

Heck even Win 7 is an issue to most typical users in the corporate world.
in windows 8 you can't even navigate


(I haven't used Winamp for about a year now so I can't help)
The plex program is installed on the pc as the media server, and you tell it what folders your movie files are in and it scans the directory and downloads metadata for the program to make a media library.

The plex channel added to the roku lets you browse whatever files were added to the plex media server on the pc.

It streams it wirelessly to the roku and has a built in method of transcoding the file types while it plays them to the proper format since the roku is so restrictive about that. Well, wirelessly just because everything I have is hooked up wirelessly, as long as they're all on the same network it should all connect together fine.

Thanks for this Derick btw ... i got it working ok. It's amazing (and scary that it assign even video covers to all my films) ...
It seems to connect fine but it hiccups on playback with streaming.
Would hardwiring the Roku to the PC with a RJ-45 alleviate that? or are the movies being served some other way?
Yo nerds, I may need a new router. Ish lost connection with my modem twice this evening at a time when I actually needed internet service. What's the most reliable surefooted one out there? Currently using a TP-LINK one, that served well for a mighty 2 years or so. Is it normal for these to start acting finicky overtime or que?
Mine's a Belkin. It cuts out all the time. Or is it my computer? Or is it my modem? Or is it the cable? Too many fucken connections!
Yo nerds, I may need a new router. Ish lost connection with my modem twice this evening at a time when I actually needed internet service. What's the most reliable surefooted one out there? Currently using a TP-LINK one, that served well for a mighty 2 years or so. Is it normal for these to start acting finicky overtime or que?

i'm looking at routers too, since i'm moving to a new apartment and now i'll need to share internets with my girlfriend

decided on this:

because not only does it sound like it's fast and reliable, it also has open source firmware and is completely open to software modifications, which means that nerds all over the world will continue to maintain, improve and support this device indefinitely, to your benefit. there's improved firmware called TOMATO that you can install pretty easily, it adds a number of features and makes it sleeker and faster than the f/w it ships with