the "tell us about yourself" thread

SickBoy said:
Okay, so if you call yourself shitty, then I'd assume one of your downsides is timing, which is the most essential thing for a bass player.
Also, the strings are harder to press and pick, the average guitarist hands aren't used to the force needed to play the bass properly...
And many think it's easy to hold steady 8th or 16th notes, while it's very tough to keep them as even throughout the song section, both dynamic and rhythm wise...

I called myself a Shitty Guitar as in 6 string player .... I have played bass for almost 5 years now like I said I think I'm Decent ... I'm no Cliff Burton but I never had a prob with force :) Bass is one of those few things I almost do well I play very hard and with Much Aggression,.. Timing well my timing aint to bad to be honest ... I'ma Shitty guitarist cause I'ma Bass player hahaha its hard to explain hahahahaha that and I just woke up so I'm not sure what I just wrote ...
madcheese9377 said:
I dunno, It's just every time I get a hold of a bass I write something new.
Then I give it to my friend who is my bassist and let her play it and mess with it if she wants to and new stuff is added to pieces we were working on.
All I can say is that it kinda came easy to me, I played for 3 hours a week ago and sorta got used to it and when I picked up my guitar it felt like I didn't know what I was doing. It felt too small, and I wanted the bass again.
For some reason I picked it up two months ago and I was writing new shit and converting old stuff to it without trying hard at all in the same day I picked it up, and have never really played bass before. I liked it alot and am going to get one for myself pretty soon.
hahaha I really aint much of a song writer I am Just really good at complimenting Guitar and drums ... in 5 years I have written prolly 3 or 4 whole songs But I have taken part in the composing I think is the term Of Many .. Tho I do know what ya mean about Playing the Bass for a while and Picking up a puny 6 string hahahaha it feels like your gonna hurt it hahahaha ..... hahahaha I have 5 or 6 Basses myself I love em :)
My real name is Gert Ouderits, I'm 37 , just like Wyvern.
I live in Belgium, Europe. Married for 13 years now and
I have 2 daughters (10 and 8)...
Started listening to metal at age 10 or so. Spend my teen
years in the 80's and had all the metal fun at that time (without
realizing it was in fact a special time). Most of my time I spend
in local Hard rock café's and me and my friends were really into
all 80's underground metal stuff. We saw lots of the 80's
metal legends live. My main hobby are cars, I am restoring 2
american cars now. Dreamcar is the ZZ Top Hot Rod.
Stumbled into the OS forum through the
Jag Panzer site, and still enjoying it very much.
madcheese9377 said:
I dunno, It's just every time I get a hold of a bass I write something new.

I would say you have 1 or to things going on Mad. Either you're just playing guitar parts on a bass ( like most guitar players do when they pick one up, including myself) or you are a bass player trapped on guitar and never knew it. :) Ever think about swithing?

Like some of the other guys here have said, there is a big difference between a bass player and a guitar player playing bass. Similar instruments but very different technique.
Real name is ...yes you guessed it :rolleyes: Pabla, I am 25 and my hobbies include collecting music, suporting bands & going to gigs (that's when I wear my devil light up horns :grin: ) I live in California but I am originally from Chile, South America. I like to speak my mind and I tend to pretty much get along with everybody. Favorite band is a weird tie between Maiden and Bon Jovi. Don't know what else to tell about myself, I like to keep things simple :p
Pabla said:
Real name is ...yes you guessed it :rolleyes: Pabla, I am 25 and my hobbies include collecting music, suporting bands & going to gigs (that's when I wear my devil light up horns :grin: ) I live in California but I am originally from Chile, South America. I like to speak my mind and I tend to pretty much get along with everybody. Favorite band is a weird tie between Maiden and Bon Jovi. Don't know what else to tell about myself, I like to keep things simple :p

I have Noticed that Folks from Chile or are of Chilien Decent are pretty fucking cool :) :wave:
carnut said:
na, you got a good chance...My birthday is in november... ;)
I settle for bronze...
December's child

I'm a mere bronze

Gee am I silly or what? :grin:
Greeno said:
I would say you have 1 or to things going on Mad. Either you're just playing guitar parts on a bass ( like most guitar players do when they pick one up, including myself) or you are a bass player trapped on guitar and never knew it. :) Ever think about swithing? Yup, a couple of times.

Like some of the other guys here have said, there is a big difference between a bass player and a guitar player playing bass. Similar instruments but very different technique.
I agree with that, I had to pretty much change most of my technique. The hardest part was playing with my fingers, Never really done it before so it was alittle hard.
And yeah I did play some guitar parts on it but, when I wrote something new on bass I made it for the bass part in a song that was new or old. It's a lot of fun. All my friends are weirded out by me when they saw that I cut my hair, and started to play the acustic, then pick up a bass and started to show them a couple of things I wrote for them to mess with or just to see what they thought. Last time I saw them I'd never picked up an acustic or a bass, so they were looking at me funny. I guess maybe I am a bass player stuck on guitar, but I'm good with guitar and the acustic, and write better songs on guitar. But if I turn one day I wont be surprised, but still will play guitar just cause it still amazes the hell out of me when I hear good guitars, be it rhythim or solos.
And if anyone wants a song list for my first release, Darkwind-Warpath, that will be done in about two years or so due to only three members including myself, Jennifer and Eric.(I need a drummer) Plus we'll have to save up for studio time, and I'm doing that right now.
Not that different from Greeno here on the highlights.

I'm 37 and live in Texas. Got into music as a young kid via VH's first album, Led Zepp, Pink Floyd and most of the late '70's hard rock acts. Then in the early '80's I was all about Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and the NWOBHM and better hair metal acts but ESPECIALLY Van Halen up until DLR left. Pretty much stuck to that (I was a late bloomer to thrash - missing all but the highlights until the '90's - same with Death and Black Metal).

I listen to tons of stuff besides metal, including a lot of jazz, Frank Zappa, Bob Dylan (yes), and some ambient type stuff, but metal still makes up at least 1/2 of my listening time overall. I play bass and sing in a mainstream cover band. We play a little metal, but mostly hard rock. I don't play metal mostly because there's just such a small market for it and I prefer to gig and get a decent reaction around here (the Dallas market).
SickBoy said:
And many think it's easy to hold steady 8th or 16th notes, while it's very tough to keep them as even throughout the song section, both dynamic and rhythm wise...

This is very true. I'm actually a pretty good bass player. But I am also my band's lead singer and to be honest my bass playing sometimes suffers when I am singing. I do ok, but also like it during instrumental breaks when I can really concentrate on the bass. The instrument really can make a song in subtle ways that the average listener doesn't immediately notice.
carnut said:
Started listening to metal at age 10 or so. Spend my teen
years in the 80's and had all the metal fun at that time (without
realizing it was in fact a special time). We saw lots of the 80's
metal legends live.

Damn it man, you really want to make me jealous! :yell:
In did! :tickled:

Stumbled into the OS forum through the
Jag Panzer site, and still enjoying it very much.

Me 2 :wave:
JonnyD said:
I have Noticed that Folks from Chile or are of Chilien Decent are pretty fucking cool :) :wave:

:kickass: thank you JD! We are also BLAZE fans as well :heh:
Hey Electronicoil...You're my kind of people. Freakin' Johnny Cash and a Van Halen (dave era, I might add) all in one! I commend you, my brother.

come to think of it...I love you ALL, but finally somebody shares my love for DAVE!
I am Bryant. My real name is Bryant. I am a 36 year old metal-head from Alabama with both redneck and elitist tendencies. I love Steeler and Bama football and hard to find beer. I'm extremely picky about bands, but not about sub-genre. I love bands from many styles like oldschool, thrash, power, prog, you name it. I am also a Science nerd and love medicine, biology and microbiology though that is not the field of my career. I have been online for 10 years, am married ad am expecting my first child come March. I am also a musician and though I have been playing guitar for about 19 years, I am a bit of a generalist and can play some bass, drums and sing a little harmony.
