The things that make you angry thread

hahha! yeah, if he said it tasted like carnation instant breakfast, and your used to the other kind, you probably wouldn't like it. I tend to like both the soy based drinks, just as well as the other. And chocolate silk drink is the bomb!
So my assistant manager at work is always condescending toward me, but today was too much. Here's some back story:

I started at this job (a local designer clothing store) a few months ago, and this guy named Matthew started a few weeks after I did. He's majoring in fashion design and really good at telling people what to wear, so everyone (the three other women who work there) love him. He and I are the only ones who work on Sundays, and we've changed the clothes on the mannequins in the front of the store a few times without any problem whatsoever. But this last Sunday, Matthew was out of town, so I worked with a fill-in girl, and since Sundays are usually slow, I killed some time changing the mannequins.

But today when my assistant manager comes in, she's FURIOUS at me for changing them and clearly took it personally since she started saying shit like "You didn't like the way I dressed them?" Obviously she had talked with the other woman working there (not a manager, but has been there for years), because this morning they both individually told me that I wasn't allowed to do homework during downtime in the store. I can read the book, just not write anything down. And what really pissed me off is that the other lady said "Nancy [the manager] said that you can't do homework," which is absolute bullshit. If she had said that, she would've said it to me.

I did do my homework though. Fuck that... she's not going to tell me that I can't do something productive while she sends text messages and reads her horoscope.

I want a job like Cara's. :(
So my assistant manager at work is always condescending toward me, but today was too much. Here's some back story:

I started at this job (a local designer clothing store) a few months ago, and this guy named Matthew started a few weeks after I did. He's majoring in fashion design and really good at telling people what to wear, so everyone (the three other women who work there) love him. He and I are the only ones who work on Sundays, and we've changed the clothes on the mannequins in the front of the store a few times without any problem whatsoever. But this last Sunday, Matthew was out of town, so I worked with a fill-in girl, and since Sundays are usually slow, I killed some time changing the mannequins.

But today when my assistant manager comes in, she's FURIOUS at me for changing them and clearly took it personally since she started saying shit like "You didn't like the way I dressed them?" Obviously she had talked with the other woman working there (not a manager, but has been there for years), because this morning they both individually told me that I wasn't allowed to do homework during downtime in the store. I can read the book, just not write anything down. And what really pissed me off is that the other lady said "Nancy [the manager] said that you can't do homework," which is absolute bullshit. If she had said that, she would've said it to me.

I did do my homework though. Fuck that... she's not going to tell me that I can't do something productive while she sends text messages and reads her horoscope.

I want a job like Cara's. :(

A girl got in trouble at my job recently for doing homework during down-time, too. We work in the kitchen of a fucking dinner theater for crying out loud! We're busy for maybe 2 hours out of every day!
Oh boo hoo.

I shouldn't have to go through a series of fucking mind games and manipulation to get a woman and say and do so and so things the right way or get dismissed to the friend zone.
I was friends with allot of guys I would have gone out with. Most of them never asked me, so I didn't pursue the issue. I found out some 13 years later from a male friend, that he always had a thing for me. I wanted to box his ears in, because I would have gone out with him.