The things that make you angry thread

was he one of those European kids who come over here to sell crap door to door? shoot i'd go to Europe and sell crap door to door... cause i'd be in Europe!
what makes me angry:

People that you haven't seen in a while and thought you were on good terms with, only to discover that when you run into them and try to say hello, they just say "Yeah" and continue walking.

Yeah, they can get slapped by a cock.
what makes me angry:

People that you haven't seen in a while and thought you were on good terms with, only to discover that when you run into them and try to say hello, they just say "Yeah" and continue walking.

Yeah, they can get slapped by a cock.

or with a bag of mutilated infant testicles

and yes, that pisses me off too when people do that shit
what makes me angry:

People that you haven't seen in a while and thought you were on good terms with, only to discover that when you run into them and try to say hello, they just say "Yeah" and continue walking.

Yeah, they can get slapped by a cock.

Maybe they meant it like "Yeeeeeeeeah (I'd do you, but not right now cuz I gotta keep walking!)"
what makes me angry:

People that you haven't seen in a while and thought you were on good terms with, only to discover that when you run into them and try to say hello, they just say "Yeah" and continue walking.

Yeah, they can get slapped by a cock.

Yeah I severely dislike people like that. But check to be sure they weren't just having a really bad day or something. I've had that happen before.
Nah, it was a quick, business-like, "Yeah" without any eye contact that basically said "You don't deserve me talking to you and you should all be kissing my feet for allowing you to be in the same room as me."

Yep. Forget that person...not worth your time or attention. You seem like a really nice person, so screw them.
This always makes me angry, and it happens way more often that it should:

When people win tickets to shows on my radio show and don't use them. Idiots... there are so many more people that would have been so stoked to have those and you just pissed em away. There's a show tonight and a guy I know and who is on my myspace friends list and won tickets last week sent out a bulletin today talking about how excited he was for this show tonight. Then a couple hours later he sends out another one saying "Eh, I'll see em next time, I changed my mind and I'm just gonna veg on the computer tonight because I have work in the morning."

So I replied and told him how lame that is and to please either not try to win tickets from us anymore or let us know asap if he's not going so we can give them to someone else.

or when you give someone your 2nd to last or last soda and they take like 2 sips and the rest gets warm and flat and worthless and i couldve drank that you bastard!@#