The thread of joy and enjoyment!

Not that it's particularly important, but I have to agree with The Greys that those photos leave me flaccid.
Fuck yeah, tonight was the last wine tasting at work, at least until April!

Fuck wine tasting. Fuck staying at work an hour later.
I feel like this thread deserves a bump, so here we go.

My new computer works! After several days of trying to get it going, I succeeded. And it is awesome. I decided to try to push the CPU by installing several big programs at peaked at 9% capacity. As soon as I get my new video card I'm gonna give Crysis a spin, but for now I have a lot of CDs to rip...
Just got back to uni.

I have my first can of cider, cookies, a incredibly clean room (I forgot how big this place is when it wants to be) and a buttload of free food from the parents. Life is good.
I had a wonderful past two days. Spaghetti, Wine, Whiskey, beer, party games, cool people, all while wearing a tie. Classy (actually not so classy)good times were had by all.
I seem to notice a pattern where you claim that the past X amount of days have been great/wonderful yet you also claim that you hate your life
ok listen. 2010 david is a new dude. The last 10 days or so have been fucking briolliant. I have hung out with amazing people and done great shit. I am trying to make my life not so fucming horrible and so far I am succeding. You should be happy for me and say way to go bro, you are having a great time and no lionger want to shoot yourself.