The thread of joy and enjoyment!

Jeremy rarely posts in this thread, but Jeremy just had one of the best days of his life today. Spent most of the day with my girlfriend, went shopping, picked up some professional attire for my nascent academic career, then went to a park in Bangor where some professors and I read before an audience one of Plato's dialogues (the Gorgias) then they took me out to a fancy sushi place on their dime.

Now I'm back home and about to get drunk on Cape Cods while watching classic Doctor Who.
I'm jealous you've been able to pursue ancient Indo-European languages to that degree. I won't be able to except on my own which makes it super hard because I don't know if I'm doing everything correctly.
My grades suck and I plan on applying to a global college program from Long Island University next year. I love learning Latin, Sanskrit, and Attic Greek, but I want to learn Chinese, French and other common modern languages as well as teach. I'll see how things go, but I plan on keeping things more international so I can live in more places.
There is a phrase: Jack of All Trades, Master of None. Much better to master one or two languages than to try being proficient in several. I have to master Latin, Greek, French, German and possibly Italian before I get my PhD in Classics or Ancient History. You need to know what languages are useful/required for what you are pursuing in life.
I don't have to learn any languages to get into an English doctoral program (although having already learned another language does make it easier), but once I get in I want to learn French. Most of the theorists I'm interested in were French (Barthes, Baudrillard, Althusser, Derrida, Foucault, Lacan, etc.).
Today is my last day on this ship,i've been here for 14 weeks straight working 7 day weeks.I've got about 50 new albums/vinyl/boxsets waiting for me at home aswell as an 8ball of goodness,it's fair to say that i'm pretty damn happy atm :)
Snorted adderall for the first time and just smoked some incense.

Holy shit am I enjoying this :lol: Blastin' some Wiley and about to kick it up with a smoke.
My fake rolex pawns it.

I need a proper watch though, the fucking shitex doesn't work anymore (no suprise).
I think this thread has gotten a lot of rotten shit because it's not too "grim" for metalheads: it contains the words "joy" and "enjoyment" in the title. No, no, that's not good.
Personnified, I couldn't help noticing that you underlined the "g" and "r" in your post...was that some extremely subtle dig at ~gR~ or did you intend to also underline an i and an m, thus somehow implying that you are grimmer than all of us?
Personnified, I couldn't help noticing that you underlined the "g" and "r" in your post...was that some extremely subtle dig at ~gR~ or did you intend to also underline an i and an m, thus somehow implying that you are grimmer than all of us?

No, I just wanted to play with words "gotten" and "rotten" which are similar, except for one letter. That's all. And I also did want to take the piss out of metalheads' grim and evil attitude.

Edit: and "killer" (small dickish) attitude.
I'm kind of happy I didn't go to a house party I got invited yesterday, because I would of only got wankered and done a load of dumb stuff that ended up in the legends of the university for decades to come.