The thread of joy and enjoyment!

Despite my meltdown earlier today, I've gotten a couple rough songs done; a completed electro remix of "Labor Of Love" from the Star Trek 2009 soundtrack, and a shorter clip of a song, a darker electronic intro. So I'm happy about that.

wide awake with a computer at my disposal all night long, and a warm place to sleep :kickass: it's a rare thing for me

as far as i know i'm going to be sleeping outside untill November 1st, but at least i'm no longer sharing a hotel room with the most annoying roommate ever
I am offended. The tabernacle has been defiled by this blasphemy. Smite the money changers, burn down the temple!
all my leg injuries have healed
my trench rot has healed
i've had several free "spinal adjustments"
and i got arch-support-inserts for my flat-on-the-bottom-of-the-inside shoes

now i can walk up staircases without pain
I get tired of trying to figure where to share good news about my life as far as specific threads goes. So I decided that creating a thread where we can share interesting and cool shit that's going on in our lives, or if you just want to humblebrag you can do that as well.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this thread can be negative. No trolling, no bad news, no pessimism. In with the good, out with the bad. Here we go!

Monday I had an interview at a machine shop that one of my two best friends works for. They've been short staffed for a while and he submitted my resume and put a bunch of good words in for me. The interview went really well. The position I interviewed for was Production Supervisor on second shift. It's a rather self-explanatory job title; I'd be the boss on second shift dealing with anything and everything that has to do with production and the employees. I'll have only two bosses, the production manager and the owner of the company. Granted, I know fuck all about machining or operating the machines, but I'm going to be trained on them which is really awesome. Almost all of my experience is based on leadership roles and implementing ideas/changes from the bottom up to improve efficiency and production, so this is pretty much right up my alley. Granted, if we're shorthanded I'll be the one to either fill their role or do what is necessary to fill that position for the day/week/whatever. They're in the process of creating a proposal for me which includes pay and benefits and all that stuff. I expect to receive it sometime this week. Essentially I'm hired, I just have to review their "offer" and give it my approval.

The company itself is in an interesting situation. They have a ton of business lined up but are incapable of filling all of their orders because the lack of staff. They also suffer from money shortfalls and just went through a downsizing in December, although that had more to do with poor quality of employees than actual money issues. I don't quite know what the root cause of their problems are, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. My guess would be poor leadership/management from the top but we'll see.

My friend really likes the company though, they're good people, so I'm pretty excited to get started. I think my favorite aspects of this new position is I get to make second shift my own, which means having a lot of influence on the type of people that work for me and how things work. And also that I'll be working in more of a trade style area, which is something I've wanted to do for years.