The thread of joy and enjoyment!

Rob "Klister";7216896 said:
one time when i was poopin, i had my headphones on and air drummed The Loss And Curse Of Reverence almost perfectly.

so is this Nikki girl a hottie? i can't tell if you guys are excited over her running around naked or just any girl being naked.


anyways shitting pissing and masturbation are all things i love to do.

EDIT: i bet the double bass parts helped lol
I'm sitting here, eating a double bacon cheeseburger, drinking a Pepsi, and not doing a damn thing.

Feels nice for a change.
I like, when i arrive home from school, and there are no tests to study, and i go out with a bunch of friends, and have fun.
Pwning in Diablo 2. Except now my Necro's ass is getting kicked constantly in act 3.
I love playing fun modes in DotA. I just played an -emomapsh game with Priestess of the moon with 7 other people and all you could see were arrows flying through the air. It was fucking epic.
I now have Sonic The Hedgehog on my iPod, no more solitaire during Health class.
I love this Forum!

We should have an annual festival where we all meet and make fun of each other in real life. And in between fist fights, we could talk about metal.