The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

"Deeper Understanding" which might sound a bit weird these days because of the late 80's as fuck computer noises but that chorus is pure bliss. "Never Be Mine" is excellent, too.

The re-recorded version of "Deeper Understanding" she did on Director's Cut is fucking weird.

I just came to peruse this thread and, can you believe it, happened to have The Sensual World playing - specifically Never Be Mine.

Deeper Understanding is my favourite too.
The re-recorded version of "Deeper Understanding" she did on Director's Cut is fucking weird.

Not sure what to think about this. There are some interesting "new" parts, but I can't stand the (heavily) autotuned vocals in the first half of this version. And is it just me or does this re-recorded version generally have a somewhat muffled sound? I definitely prefer the clearer sound of the original version.