The threadmill, aka fitness discussion

i will be soon, if i keep on avoiding aerobic activity like the plague.

i had to have a quick workout tonight because i had something to do afterwards, and ended up having a grand total of six minutes of running. the rest was spent doing bench presses and the likes - which are conductive to more eating, resulting in both muscle definition in the upper body and excess fat in the lower body. i am now listening to the ramones and wishing that i could do more dips in a row.
This business of losing weight would all be so much easier if I had the ability to run for an extended period of time.

Last time I went running I tried keeping up with my mom (who, by the way, is a slowpoke) but ended up stopping to control my wheezing after 5 minutes.

On hikes, though, I'm completely fine.
I think I need a regular input of isotonic drinks, especially after sports. Ive suffered headaches, rebelling stomach and general complete exhaustednes a few times now and I think it's electrolytes-related. Im probably the person that sweats the most out of all the people I know and except for my "multi-vitamin" and magnesium pills, Im not doing a lot to restore them. Any recommendations or comments on isotonic drinks?
i have no experience with isotonic drinks, but i know that i have the same symptoms you mention (headache, nausea and exhaustion) if i forget to

(a) drink at least 1 liter of water during each workout

(b) and more important: eat protein-intensive food right after exercise. note that i'm not talking about regular meals, but an additional small meal consisting of a hamburger (without evil sauces) or a few meatballs or cheese about 30min after i'm done working out.
Damn... Too much time looking at the ChemE side of nanotechnology...
was wondering what on earth an Isotropic drink would be. Preferably not an etchant for micromechanical systems, I would think.

Got myself access to the gym in the new apt building, and have been walking more regularly thanks to the dog (at least on weekends, that is). Going to have to take some 'before' shots soon.

@hyena: I already drink a lot, usually 3l a day, more after sports usually, though I think that might contribute to it, with all the water flushing out my dear electrolytes.
I'll that proteine thing, though I find meat and cheese kinda hard to digest after sports.
(a) drink at least 1 liter of water during each workout

(b) and more important: eat protein-intensive food right after exercise. note that i'm not talking about regular meals, but an additional small meal consisting of a hamburger (without evil sauces) or a few meatballs or cheese about 30min after i'm done working out.

Here's something about male body:

a) recent studies have shown that better effect takes place if you hydrate before the workout - sipping water during didn't have that much effect as about say 0.5l at once before the session and little sips during.

b) right after = body desperately needs it ~15 minutes, then it's less effective (and almost harmful, if you are aiming for a perfect body). Protein bar would be perfect.

I'm breaking nutrition rules though - no breakfast, eat late, even though I eat healthy stuff... I think that's th enext thing I will do next - organize my nutrition timewise.
i found some courage to post in this thread.
as much as i would love to get a decent shape (i even posted it in the three wishes thread before i replaced it with the ability to teleport) i'm a disaster: i tried running several times but after about 20 seconds i start to crawl, i get lightheaded and i see happy bright spots.
so, since i just learned to ride a bike (please don't laugh too much), i'm doing long bike rides, i feel quite tired afterwards and it does not have the horrid effects that running has on that useful at all? :hypno:
I'm in my best shape so far - biceps, back, legs, abs, do 8 miles per hour... well, I don't run that long, but I do 2 miles in about 15 minutes on a threadmill at my medium pace - i.e. when I can run without losing breath or anything.

Being not much of a running guy, I listened to music all along, best results were during IN FLAMES' Come Clarity, while weightlifting goes better with Character, Mutter and... Stadium Arcadium.
where i'm concerned, running works best with ska or stuff with a fast electronic beat (from rammstein to alphaville, really)

lifting is, unsurprisingly, pretty good with power metal, although i also enjoy slower things.

the drinking issue - i'm not a guy so i would not know about specific male needs, but be careful with the not drinking during the workout. i got dystrophia of the vitreum because i didn't drink enough while (not only before) running, and now i'm left with little black spots in my left eye.

protein bars - well, it doesn't give me any satisfaction. i'd much rather stuff myself with meatballs as soon as i get home from the gym. same result but better taste. :p
I found only one protein bar which tastes good... but it's probably junk :) Tried quite a few, couldn't finish most :D

You got to drink during workout, however, you can keep better level of hydration if you drink, like, 0.5l of water prior to (depends on your body weight and otehr factors, I assume). I'm speaking of guys as source is Men's Health :) SHould work for anyone, though: dogs, vegetables, women...

And eating meat often... I dunno, I'm still trying to get into it.
last night i had the most uneffective workout session ever. i could not complete one set with good form, let alone increase weight. this will teach me to hit the gym when i am extremely underslept and hit by the Hayfever From Hell.

i also noticed an interesting thing which i never really considered consciously so far - when lifting at high intensity, music from my headphones phases out of my hearing, and i have this feeling of 'oh, i'm listening to music, how surprising' when it comes back to me after the set. it's weird how the only other activity that produces this result is sex. when i concentrate very hard on work and music is in the background i also don't really notice it, but i do know it's there, and there is no moment when it comes back to my consciousness. so probably the effect has something to do with release of endorphins or something, it would be interesting to find out exactly what is happening.
It happens to me sometimes - I just drift away for a track or two, and then I realize I'm listening to music =)

Last two days were very intense in terms of workout, I even had to get to work later as I couldn't get enough rest - it's good to take a break: while psychologically I want to go on (badly), my body begs for an intermission.
i'm now taking a weeklong break. it will affect my levels in top form capacity, but i'm tired.
You need to do that once in a while, it's all about fatigue.

I switched cardio to the bike: slightly more than 7 miles in 20 minutes every other day.

Don't have time with new job(s), but I'm totally trying.

Is there any gym which is open, like, 24 hours a day? I know there are gyms in condo complexes, but having one for everyone would be swell.
when i was in DC there was a fitness first franchise that was open 24/7. however, exercising too late is not really good for you, except if you wake at noon. you're supposed to get most of your physical exercise in max 10 hours after waking up.
I'm getting weird sleep patterns (now when I can wake up at 10 every day and be on time to work), so it shouldn't hurt.

Plus I'm getting really frustrated when I can't stay in the gym after 10 (it closes at 8 on Fridays!!!!!!!) I don't excersise earlier, because I rarely can do anything after the work out - I'm doing quite intense sessions lately.

As I really can see the results now :) Six-pack finally arriving this summer ;)
@plintus: congrats, that's quite a feat.

i am taking an extended break, both because i fell ill in norway and because i was definitely too heavy on the strength-building program during the past month and a half (the wonders of having someone who insists on the turn-on quality of benchpressing!). i will probably go back to the gym next monday and embark on something with a lot of cardio, and maybe swimming too. the mere idea of 32kg squats is making me feel tired.