The threadmill, aka fitness discussion

Thanks ;) I'm one sexy moherfucker now :D

I'm doing squates at ~48 kg (105 lbs), I can do much more, but I'm kinda worried about my knees :S I even stopped running and switched to bikes, want to try rowing next.
@plintus: rowing is teh cool. not only it gets your heart rate up faster than any other aerobic exercise, it also doubles as an upper body warmup. it is probably going to do more for your back than pullups, in the long run: pullups give you strength, but the rowing is like doing concentration exercises, it gives you tone and edge in the lat-trapezius-deltoid-triceps system without stressing any individual muscle too much. and when you want to pile on the strength, increase the resistance on the rowing machine, or switch river/sea for lake.

30mins of rowing at a medium pace (somewhere between 38 and 42 rows per min) every two days, besides the regular workouts, are going to straighten your posture and give you a very nice back in less than two months.

Back was the next thing I was after :) I think I'll take on rowing and basic core training (which also will help with posture). But even keeping your shoulders wide and apart and maintaining good stance during the day is also important, not just exercising.

Back was the next thing I was after :) I think I'll take on rowing and basic core training (which also will help with posture). But even keeping your shoulders wide and apart and maintaining good stance during the day is also important, not just exercising.

Absolutely right. I take care to straighten up several times in a day and still have not got it down exactly. For the rowing, maybe you should start it as a warm-up (500m), then progress to longer distances. I see people in the gym wo do full rowing workouts and they normally do 7000m. And if you have the chance get on actual water - it's way more fun. I do have an artificial lake about 15min ride from home and during the summer season I'd rather have a proper boat than artificial rower, also forces you to be in time with your shipmates and is a great motivator.
This toe thing really fucked me up. I had started running again to get my cardio back up to in shape, and now it's pretty painful to just walk around, so I'll have to put that on hold for a while. In the meantime I can still do some lifting, but not as much.

It's always something, huh?

hyena, if I didn't mention it - exercising in the evening is better, as in "more effective" and "better results". There was a study about swimmers, so thay achieved better results around 10-11 pm.
It is, isn't it?

In any case, I'm still staying active, walking the dog outside and such, and I've been adjusting my diet (less crap for lunch and dinner, and nothing in between). I just have to start doing some more active exercising to really start converting the fat to muscle. I've started setting some summer goals and such as well. Mostly, it's to lose some pant sizes, and I know the running would help that the best, but I at least need to do something while I wait for this nail situation to get a little better.

I practically havent been running for weeks, but then again Ive played football twice a week.. I should pick up the running again I guess
It's always something, huh?

hyena, if I didn't mention it - exercising in the evening is better, as in "more effective" and "better results". There was a study about swimmers, so thay achieved better results around 10-11 pm.

depends on the type of exercise and on your sleep schedule - i don't have the data handy but will get them on monday. anyway, on a purely personal level, if i wake up early in the morning and get to the gym at 8pm after a full workday i suck. if i go straight to the gym in the morning i run faster, have more resistance, and lift more.
...and the rest of the days sucks, I assume :D

The company I do some work for atm is kind of cool: all guys there (3 employees and the boss) are health freaks and ARE in good shape (well, me too, of course :D) My boss (surfer, snowboarder, workaholic, long hair, Ph. D., lives across the street from me on 32nd floor) is chugging on protein shakes during the day :D, other guy (intern) gave me some helpful tips about some of my underdeveloped muscles (I felt half-man at once :heh:), and he was kinda surprised when I told him I work out with 65 lbs dumbbels, as he doesn't touch anything above 35, but he's not lean as me (few nches shorter), medium build, so he gains weight (muscle weight as well) faster than me, so I understand his concerns :D

So, it's not beer and chics talk in the office, it's surfing (will drift to snowboarding later in the year, I'm sure :D)/weight lifting conversations at all times... if someone has any.

If I'm going to the beach this summer, I'm lending surfboard, but I already had to cancel plans for this weekend due to workload, so I don't know when that happens...
So... yeah.

I'm quietly benchpressing 195 lbs (88.45 kg) x 6-8 on Smith's machine, free weights are around 160 lbs (I never have a spotter) x 5-6, finally I'm raising a bar (literally and figuratively).
i have switched to small (35-40 mins) daily workouts rather than big ones (1h30) every 2-3 days. it gives me the impression that i am lazy, but it can't be that bad since i see the gains. i cannot do much because the gym is going to be closed until the 22nd and i only have small weights at home, but i'm taking the chance to do a lot of pushups, pullups and all these other core exercises. i miss the rowing machine, especially because i tried a spectacularly good one when i was in berlin and am now thinking of buying one to keep at home, but it won't be long before i at least go back to the one in the gym.
Awww. What fist fight? *grabs pop-corn*

On other news i need some gentle pushing and comforting. I've been wanting to join the gym for a while, but the mere thought of it makes me tired. If only someone promised me i won't suffer and that it will be full of bubbles and cuddly elephants.
Ugh, spent 2 hours yesterday and 3.5 miles on a treadmill today. With that much shit going around it's the only way for me to get absent minded for a little while... good thing I'm on my own schedule now :Saint:

Good thing I (you?) bailed on the fist fight in Montreal :P

I don't think taht was going to happen in Montreal... I think that was supposed to be in New York, but no, I don't fight photographers with their heavy tripods, you know :heh:

Hmmmmm, lemme see here, I have my own Manfrotto!!! OK, tripod fight!
@plintus: you really sounded like pat bateman in this last post.

@siren: i am not sure about the elephants, but i can tell us that our moderator has been going to the gym for a few months now. so it can't be that exhausting. :p
@plintus: you really sounded like pat bateman in this last post.

This guy?


I was going to watch the movie for a long time :)