The threadmill, aka fitness discussion

i need to get my ass on the treadmill, im starting to get a beer gut and i don't get enough sleep either:Smug: At least i stopped drinking soda...

Left-clicking on the mouse not enough?

You too: stop bumping every thread on the menu just to have your name as last poster. It's not a contest, unless you count "moron of the week" as first prize.
well, i will take advantage from the bump and say that i'm thinking of posting a few more post-training pics if everyone tells me that this time they will not randomly assume that i am a guy. :p

anyway, the get-back-in-shape routine i mentioned above is officially finished, i have stepped up mightily since april 23rd or so, i'm really glad of what my workouts are doing for me atm, at least were bulking up is concerned. i follow a strength routine with intense 3x8 sets and try to get in as much aerobics as possible by running/biking in the park when the gym's closed (sundays and such), although i am really lazy when it comes to aerobic activity and am performing way underpar in the field.

@rahvin: how are you and gf doing in the gym these days? incidentally, when you come here you will be treated to a training session with very good advice from me, if you please (note: i know you won't believe me one second, but you can fully trust me re safe and useful workouts as opposed to evilly exhausting ones)
@rahvin: how are you and gf doing in the gym these days? incidentally, when you come here you will be treated to a training session with very good advice from me, if you please (note: i know you won't believe me one second, but you can fully trust me re safe and useful workouts as opposed to evilly exhausting ones)

We're doing fine, thank you! It actually got better fast, and I can now look forward to my training sessions, have them two or three days apart, feel revitalized instead of exhausted afterwards. Looking forward to your input: also, out of the three of us I'm going to shamelessly be the one who lifts the least. ;)
I really hope you're the one who weighs least, too. Either way, outdone by two women at once.. that is remarkable

At 171cm (5.6ft), I weigh less than 60kg (132lbs), which is about as much as my girlfriend (don't know about hyena). My main sporting activity in the past five years has been hiking in the mountains, so I have considerably stronger legs than arms. Clicking furiously over enemies in Titan Quest a very strong man doth not make, to my dismay, and I get tired very easily while weightlifting. Hyena is trained, and my girlfriend is quite athletic so I don't feel that my masculinity is threatened as of yet. If I ever do, I'll quaff beer and wear helmets with horns while listening to power metal songs about the subjugation of women to feel better, I'm sure.
If I ever do, I'll quaff beer and wear helmets with horns while listening to power metal songs about the subjugation of women to feel better, I'm sure.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hehehe. Anyway I wasn't thinking of lifting competitions of any kind - just of a well-rounded, useful and - as you correctly say - revitalizing workout. But if you do have a training schedule which satisfies you I'll be happy just getting you a day pass at the gym and cooking for the both of you afterwards.

Just out of curiosity, how fast do you run on a treadmill? I'd bet anything that you outrun me mightily - you're a guy, a fast walker, and you don't smoke, so I don't think I stand a chance in the department.

Vital stats - I'm a couple of centimeters shorter than rahvin and currently clock in at about 59kg, but we have very different body types and different metabolism. I envy his ability to guzzle down ice cream without getting fat, while I have to be very careful if I don't want to become a rolling ball of doom. The bright side for me is that when I do a lot of sports I do bulk up fast where muscle mass is concerned, and I do lose excess fat quite speedily, which may not happen to him (the fast bulking up, not the loss of fat which would not be necessary anyway)
Even though I'm slightly larger than rahvin (178 cm, 67 kg) and it therefore is a little more improbable that women are stronger than me, I've always found it worth it to swallow my pride if it means that I can continue to be lazy and only work out when I feel for it. :D

Edit: That my weight hasn't fluctuated at all for the last five years reinforces this, no matter if I do weightlifting three times a week (as I did last fall and spring) or if I hardly exercise at all (as the last four months). I basically look the same (perhaps some change in my posture) no matter how fit I am, and one thing that surely can spur me to exercise is my own vanity.
Yeah, like hyena said I'm not built big and I don't get fat. I take after my mother and will probably die as thin as I am now. I'm also not interested in going to the gym to build muscles: it's a way to do something relaxing and healthy, prevent my body from the kind of laziness that an office job encourages.

As for the treadmill question, I have no idea, but I've always been resilient and faster than most both running and walking.
well, if you can indulge my curiosity, just let me know how fast you can run for five subsequent minutes _before doing any other training _ (probably there is a 6-min program on the treadmill, with one of warmup). if i'm in good form i can do maybe 12 km/h, but normally i do 10.6, which is pretty bad.

edit: carl, the not fluctuating probably has a lot to do with diet. bulking up requires 1.5 to 2 times the regular food intake and it has to be done with a purpose... which takes most of the fun away from it, unfortunately...
I allowed myself a week of rest, after 2 months of pretty consequent training. I hope it'll show in the quality of football we play tomorrow. The last 2 times were really lamentable really ;)

On the 5 minute run subject: Not that I ever tried it, but 12km/h sound very doable. I run 9km in a bit less than an hour, so 12km/h for only 5 minutes dont sound like that much of an effort. I mean, that would be 1km in 5 minutes. I may have to try that one day :)
i'm thinking of getting an early night so as to be good and fit for training tomorrow after work. i'll post a schedule/achievements if i succeed in meeting my own expectation.
Hyena, I'm starting to believe you have slightly¹ more developed deltoids, biceps, triceps, brachialis, and lateral epicondyles than me, the shame.

1. by slightly I mean greatly.
Hyena, I'm starting to believe you have slightly¹ more developed deltoids, biceps, triceps, brachialis, and lateral epicondyles than me, the shame.

1. by slightly I mean greatly.

there are photos somewhere at the start of the thread and i will post more, so you can check against visual evidence... anyway, i woke up feeling drunk (for no particular reason; of course i didn't drink anything, it's 8.50 am) and this may change my fitness plans for the day. let's hope i sober up before 7pm.
right - here's the suicidal program for tonight.

was supposed to be a back + biceps workout (and i do abs every time anyway), but i had to throw in distractions concerning other muscle groups because i just couldn't pull it off otherwise without tearing anything.

500m row with 39 rows/min (I know, that's miserable, but it was just warmup)

Vertical rows: 3x8 with 35kg weight
Lat machine: 3x10 with 35 kg weight
Pullups: 4x6
Barbell standing curls: 1x8 with 15kg and 2x8 with 10kg (bar weighing in at 7.5)
Dumbell sitting curls: 3x8 with 10kg x arm
Standing calf: 1x30 with 45 kg
Lateral crunches: 40xside
Inverted crunches: 100
Cable standing curls: 3x8 with 25kg
Regular crunches: 200
Dumbell squats: 3x8 with 12 kgxarm
Cable pulldowns: 3x8 with 40kg

i know i can do better on the calf stuff, maybe the squats, and certainly the pulldowns. but the biceps routine is still a bit too much.

on saturday i will have a pecs+shoulders workout, on sunday aerobic stuff (bike ride and/or running) and assorted calisthenics, and on tuesday i shall do triceps and legs. that's more or less the regular schedule, even if the days are not fixed.

anyone else care to post their program? i'm curious.

edit: pics to show that one can be tough AND emo at the same time:


Ah, you can't bear the stench of your armpits, I see :heh: Gillette, woman!!!


I don't follow any program, I'm currently working my upper body. What I did today.

Narrow bench presses (machine, 125 lbs, 3 x 8-10)
Regular bench presses (machine, 175 lbs, 2 x 8, 125 lbs, 1x10)
Inclined bench presses (machine, 125 lbs, 3 x 7)
Pullups (body weight, 3 sets, 20 total)
Abdominal sitting crunch (?) (150 lbsx20, 160x15, 170x12)
Leg presses (3 sets 1x180+, 2x270+, I don't know how much the machine weighs)
Dumbbell curls (25 lbs, 2x10, 1x8) <- I was dying here, usually I do 30-35 / arm or 55-65 lb son easy barbell
Cable pulldown (100x10,90x10,80x12, lbs)

Usually I run for 2 miles after... that's my third workout this week, need a break.
well, i am almost competitive on the pulldowns, but you have me on the rest. :p
as suspected, my left bicep is now screaming bloody murder, and it's only the start. i might do three or four very light sets tonight at home, which sometimes prevents pain.
You tough guys are going to laugh at me, the typical girl who counts calories and does a tiny bit of weightlifting.

Anyway, what I'm working on are abs, so I began with 100 sit-ups a day until I reached 1000 a day, which I've been doing for the past two months. There's about an inch of fat left but otherwise I'm about as toned as I'm going to get. I also do a little weightlifting so the bit of fat under my arms doesn't jiggle whenever I wave hello to someone.