The threadmill, aka fitness discussion


You won't get rid of fat doing crunches (fast and effective enough), two key points: proper timely nutrition and aerobics/cardio (in that order). Forget the rest if you want to [seriously] lose weight.

Chin-ups rule.

Somehow undergrip works better for me: I can lift myself 20 times @ 180 lbs (total in 3 sets) with any grip, but under- one, I feel like it's mobilizing more muscles and I feel less sore morning after.
Well, nutrition I have to work on. I eat entirely too much junk, though I do keep myself hydrated. Cardio - I do plenty of walking a day, to the tune of at least 2 miles, and usually hard. I'll probably start running again soon, but my main point with the crunches was that if I start now, I have this feeling I'd build muscle faster, due to more resistance. I could be completely wrong on that, but I like to think of it in those terms.

You can't build anything over fat: you get rid of it first and THEN build muscles up. Additionally, junk food will command your body to store fat, so whatever you burn will be returning right after = waste of time

I never done any crunches or cardio to drop weight: I started with proper nutrtion, completely dropped red meat I don't remember even when, might be 1.5 years or slightly longer, eat junk only when my life depends on it.

No fucking white bread, start with that.
I don't eat white bread, only wheat. My breakfasts are healthy enough. Don't eat too much in the way of red meat anyway. The real problem is junk food, which I know I have to kick.

With the cardio I'm doing, that should help, but I still need to start doing some real working out. I did get limited results when I was working out back in the early fall, but I need to stick with it to really change.

I think and know that I should really workout, but I never hav any motivation at all :ill: . I even tried with DDR, I have the mat and all, but I stopped dancing after a while.

Shit I wonder why is it that I never wan't to do exercise?
I'm keeping it up for two years (will be as of April 1st 2007), and I have another problem.

I can't stop.

I take short breaks to recover, of course, but give in/up/wherever - I don't see that happening.
Im playing football twice a week and jogging only once a week or whenever football doesnt take place. It's weird because the more I play, the more I realise how my body is made for playing football and not made for jogging at all. I can run up and down the field for 2h and feel good afterwards, but 1h of jogging is guaranteed to knacker me completely. Either way, I'll keep doing it.. the beergut obliges :Smug:
My midsection started worrying me as well, I'm in a good shape, but slacking for two weeks is taking it's toll on me.

About to start football practice next weekend.
I don't work out or anything conscious like that... I keep in shape through my love for crazy outdoor activities like surfing (arms), snowboarding (legs), rock climbing (both), etc...
I don't work out unless walking counts. Oh and I play soccer now and then. I'm rather normal-looking, some people say I'm thin.
i didnt register for sports this semester... i only had 2 euors left on my bank account because my mum sent me my money a bit later than she usually does.
i sympathize with the 2 euros situation... not far from that myself. however, my gym pass expires on june 16th, and i have plenty of time to find more before that.

at the moment, i'm just having recovery workouts, i spent one month and a half holed up writing papers and not training, i don't want to get violently hurt. so i'm running in the park. doing 4x6 routines of dips and chin-ups, and maybe 200 crunches every two days, but it's nothing serious. tomorrow i will be in the gym and have a total body circuit, hopefully with decent weights (the saturday before yesterday i made a grand attempt and my benchpress performance was ridiculous to say the least, not to mention upright rows with a brilliant 20.5 kilos... eh well, as i said, i don't want to get hurt). in three weeks of so of dedicated training i aim to finally make an attempt at lifting my own weight on the bench for at least six times.
I've been trying to get back into shape myself. I used to be average for my size at about 140 pounds which isn't bad for someone who's 5' 6", but now I'm at about 155 and I'm starting to develope hypertension (due to weighting more than I should) which is horrible for a 17 year old. : / I've been doing crunches daily, and curling every other day, as well as doing some cardio like jumping jacks, and jogging for at least 30 minutes when I have the spare time. Also I've been trying to cut my meals smaller and replace the lost portions with small things throughout the day, like mixed nuts (unsalted), apples, bananas et cetera, and when I can remember I eat half a grapefruit (or a full glass of grapefruit juice) before each meal. Supposedly the citrus is supposed to help burn the fat from the food you take in after you eat it.

I'm really hoping that this'll help me build up some muscle and lose the fat I have. High blood pressure isn't fun. : [ I'm striving for about 135 over a six month period.
I worked out so hard today (increased weights), that I almost threw up on the way home :S Other than that it feels good :)
hrhr, I did 9km in a little under an hour. Also, Im paying more attention to what I eat now. I obliged myself to a strict no-chocolate, no-cookies diet and we'll see how far I get with it. The mission "No beergut this summer" is officially kicked off
ok, no beergut for me either.
my weak point is sleep - i never get the right amount of rest.
however, i do have a staple: on may 18th a friend of mine who is an accomplished athlete is coming to visit, we're going to have a workout together, and i can't look too ridiculous. so let's go and hit the gym as soon as possible. i wish i didn't work.
oh, and rahvin is keeping it quiet, but he joined a gym too. :)