The threadmill, aka fitness discussion

last week i had 4 intense anaerobic workouts so i needed a bit of rest, but now i have no excuses - i haven't set foot in the gym or rode my bike since sunday so i'll need to leave the office and go exercise right away, even if i'm feeling dreadfully lazy and would rather go home and read, or even stay here and read.
hyena said:
last week i had 4 intense anaerobic workouts so i needed a bit of rest, but now i have no excuses - i haven't set foot in the gym or rode my bike since sunday so i'll need to leave the office and go exercise right away, even if i'm feeling dreadfully lazy and would rather go home and read, or even stay here and read.

You can read on a bike :cool:

And lazy isn't an option. :rolleyes:
Hrm.. for me that's pretty much maximum pace :p
My calves are a lot better btw, seems the problem was the blood flow? I tried lacing my shoes so they'd almost fall off my feet in the beginning. My friend told me that icehockey players often dont tie their shoes at all, because after a few minutes, the muscles pop up and they fit perfectly, so I thought Id give that a try and I havent had problems since :)
plintus said:
You can read on a bike :cool:

And lazy isn't an option. :rolleyes:

well, i meant a proper bike, not an indoors thing. i have a huge park about 3mins from home so i do some offtrack mountain biking whenever possible. and it is really unadvisable to read when you do that. :lol:
last week i started to do some sport again. There are some sport courses organised by the university for the students. i play uni-hockey. I have only played at school during the sport class before, but its fun, and last time I scored 3 goals :)
After that first time, I had a sore back and legs for like 2 or 3 days. I hope it will be better tomorrow!
@plintus: thanks for the "lazy isn't an option" quip - it actually motivated me to hit the gym instead of drinking all night (ok, i had two pints afterwards, but that's immaterial). i'm realizing that i definitely need a spotter, will have to find one next week. i don't want to be crushed while benchpressing, so i don't trust myself to lift more than 35kg if i don't have a spotter. and lifting 35kg (3x8) is just plain lousy.
hyena said:
@plintus: thanks for the "lazy isn't an option" quip - it actually motivated me to hit the gym instead of drinking all night (ok, i had two pints afterwards, but that's immaterial). i'm realizing that i definitely need a spotter, will have to find one next week. i don't want to be crushed while benchpressing, so i don't trust myself to lift more than 35kg if i don't have a spotter. and lifting 35kg (3x8) is just plain lousy.

Appetite comes during the meal: I don't go to the gym if I'm worn out (won't do any good), but if I don't want to just because... I don't want to - I drag myself tehre any way - motivation will come during the first exercise, it's 5 minutes walk in a cold in my shorts - that's what I dislike most :lol:

Was looking at some sports clothes and set my mind on Under Armor stuff + some sweat things for colder times. i don't like sports clothes at all, and you won't see me wearing them outside of gym (even at home), but that Under Armor stuff was pretty cool. Now I need some $$$$ on my apparel + new running shoes - I know I can do better without killing my knees, but all I'm using for running is Adidas sneakers. BTW, never use any kind of keds (Converse for instance) for running - chances are you get hurt, cuz they are the best for weight lifting (gives you a better platform); on the other hand using running shoes both for running and weights is quite OK.

Spotters: I don't use them, I'm rather new to the free weights, so that I can press is enough for now; I increase weights on the machine little by little.

Was doing some stuff for my forearms (found old Mens' Health posters) - it did hurt :heh:
If you want to get strong forearms I advise heavy dumb-bell pullovers. They're good for your pecs but if the weight is big enough and you have your hands in the right 'cup' position they stress your forearms too. For concentration purposes, wrist flippers are teh thing, although my, do they hurt.

Clothing - I am quite the designer athlete, although I don't really own a lot of sports equipment. I love the Nike dry-fit tops, that don't get all clammy after 30 minutes. And I'm really enthusiastic about my new Everlast lifting gloves, because calloused hands look quite bad on a woman.
Training is good for me.

Please visualize perfection.



You look like me, but your neck is slimmer :heh:

5 miles in about 45 minutes today watching the last episode of Lost (before 3 months break).

It was a blast! two blasts, actually :) The episode was FUCKING GREAT (first in the 3rd season so far).
Doesn't sound like you've seen many specimen... no Discovery Channel where you live? ;)

Heh, that was so fucking lame. But you are always lame, when it comes to hyena, so Im not really surprised. The funniest thing is that you are like Undo in this respect (talking about rescuing with swords and penises doesnt look so funny now, does it?).

Taliesin said:
My first thought was something like that

Of course it was, my was exactly the same. Where is the pretty woman with a bottle of wine? For a moment I thought I saw stubble after shaving on her chin on pic 3, and Im not joking.
Heh, that was so fucking lame. But you are always lame, when it comes to hyena, so Im not really surprised. The funniest thing is that you are like Undo in this respect (talking about rescuing with swords and penises doesnt look so funny now, does it?).

Thank goodness we have this amazing objective observer to put us in our place! I'm feeling better knowing there are times when I'm not "lame".
@Rahv: Yeah, but very few times. Thing is I fail to see any disrespect on this assertion, being lame is realization in life, personal fulfillment in all senses. I also love laming in the spanish sense, even when it's very tiring activity depending on the woman you're dealing with... :p

So... what is this thread about, you say?

|ng (Lame por aquí, lame por allá... )
if the whole "she is a guy" shindig was an excuse to trick me into posting photos of my lower chest area, no, i will not. :lol: :lol:

anyway, for the record, i'm not a man, nor a transgendered wo/man (not that there is anything wrong with that). i've been called a transvestite once, but i don't think i am one.

photos with wine and photos with meat: well, that particular pic was nice, but this is a thread about sports and i thought i'd show my progress on the shoulder-trapeze-pecs system. i'm very proud of that, it took a lot of effort and training. i'm also proud of the fact that plinny's neck is fatter than mine. :p

incidentally, leave rahvin alone. all he did was respond to a comment that stated a lie, ie that i am "definitely a man". no need for penises in the wind for that (especially not mine, since i don't have one). and marduk... you know, sticking up for the other person? that's called friendship and it's a pleasant thing. for both men, women, and halflings. :p
Thank goodness we have this amazing objective observer to put us in our place! I'm feeling better knowing there are times when I'm not "lame".

Tut-tut, I think Ive hit the only lame spot you seem to have. Putting people in their place in this case is only your job, sorry for messing about.
incidentally, leave rahvin alone. all he did was respond to a comment that stated a lie, ie that i am "definitely a man". no need for penises in the wind for that (especially not mine, since i don't have one). and marduk... you know, sticking up for the other person? that's called friendship and it's a pleasant thing. for both men, women, and halflings. :p

Oh, right, that was the word I was looking for.