This is what I was doing last night:
It's a nifty little stoner pastime called The Rizla Game. What you do is this:
1) Stick together enough Rizla to form a square that more than covers the top of a cup (or ashtray, or other similar object).
2) Use rubber bands to secure the Rizla square around the lip of the cup, so it's like the skin of a drum or something.
3) Place a coin in the middle of the Rizla.
4) Light a joint. Take a toke, but
don't exhale. Quickly, choose your spot and, using the joint's cherry, burn a hole in the paper. Don't exhale your smoke until the paper has stopped burning completely.
5) Pass to the left.
The loser of the game is the one who burns off the last bit of paper that causes the coin to fall into the cup/ashtray/whatever. They usually have to do a forfeit, although since my stoner mates are fairly benevolent, it usually just involves making a cup of tea for everyone in the room.
As you can see, this particular game got right down to the wire. You're not allowed to make 'Gayburns' which are burns just round the outsides of the lip of the cup or tiny, piddling little burns. My turn was next. Amazingly, I didn't lose.