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Erik said:
school forced me to write and notate a song

i've never written down music before in my life and notation is fucking retarded

7th bar, it is unneeded to include the ledger line above the B.... and for bars 16 and 25 using a whole note does not make sense since it is 4 beats, while you are in 3/4. Use a dotted half-note.

does that sound right? Im practicing my reading and typed that into finale...

and I hope my prediction of the tune of the song does including random drum beat
Erik said:
haha ok i suck at this but i've already sent it to me teacher so i guess he will say the same things you said

i thought a whole note was "the entire bar" and not necessarily "4/4" but now that you mention it of course that makes no sense... fuck this shit

lol, listening to the midi now

it sounds about 90% right but there are some notes that are really off (especially at around 0:08) so i hope it's not down to the notation :(
your notation "makes sense" if you look at it. I think I fucked myself actually. Just giving you constructive criticism:)

yeah that mistake is understandable, but a whole note is 4 beats. in 3 /4 there are 3 beats so you'd use one note equalling 2 (whole note) and one equally half of that (the dot).

sorry if my explaining sucks but Im tired.

so basically half note dotted = half note and half itself= 2 beats and 1 beat= 3 beats= a full bar of 3/4
Im a flautist(metal cock blower) again sortof, and I remember this stuff from grades 7-9 . You seem to be quite fine at music from the nasheim clips I've heard so I'm not surprised you understand this stuff
Believe it or not, I can read music. Not read and play in real-time mind you, but I can tap it out and sound the notes out in my head. I have trouble with the odd-time though, my brain only likes to function in 4/4
I could read music in 4th grade, but that was because I had a mandatory recorder class and I wrote a kickass song about a meadow or something. But I have not idea how to read/write now and that shit back then was extremely primitive. You're not going to get particularly in depth with 10th graders...
I think to be able to sight-read would kick all kinds of ass. You have to start that shit at age 2 though, so count me out.
i played piano from age 8-13 roughly and could sight read decently by the end...naturally i can't play shit on piano now, man i used to hate having to practice so when my parents finally let me quit i said "fuck that" and didn't touch the damn thing for years and lost all ability :lol:

i can still read music, but slowly...i've always learned guitar by ear and tabs :D
Erik said:
me girlfriend took the picture and then i photoshopped it... you might be right about the emptiness i don't want to add stuff that isn't there so no additional branches for me...

and there was no real purpose

we walked around in a graveyard taking doom metal pix for fun and profit, it wasn't a carefully planned picture or anything

Oh I wouldn't add any stuff. I just felt some lack. It's still a great photo :)
i used to be a tromboner but i too have forgotten how to read music. well, mostly. i still know what symbols mean but not really the notes
Holy shit, I completely forgot that I used to play trombone. :lol: Two years, 5th and 6th grade.
I can read music very well. I've been playing trumpet for 8 years, and continue to do so. It's really not that hard to read music, but I guess for someone just learning it is.
LOL @ all the metal guys here who play wind instruments. FAGS!
Just kidding. It *is* funny though.