The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Conspicuously Absent said:
I'm still not seeing much "Majesty" from that cityscape lurch, I'm sorry to say.

All I see is crowds and dirt and probably a few hundred rats, cockroaches and winged-rats in hiding.

edit: but at least its better than LA, I cry for you RiA.

i have not seen a rat in at least a couple of years ... and roaches are pretty much extinct as well.

you guys have this vison of NYC stemming from 70's Shaft flicks ...:)
dorian gray said:
cities suck.
Agreed. Though there are differences. I used to hate Berlin, but now I quite enjoy living here: historical buildings, hardly any skyscrapers, lots of parks and water, easy escape to the quiet surroundings, a working public transport system, a lack of bad traffic jams and dirt as I've seen them in London, Athens or Vancouver.

I'm still happier up in the mountains or at the coast though. The lack of people makes it.

Pics of our getaway to the island of Amrum in the North Sea:


The dock of Wittdün in the early morning.


Andrew learning a new word.




Where you see the teahouse on the little hill today used to stand a Viking castle back in the day. (Andrew: Owned!)


Looking east into the Wattenmeer.


Looking west.


Maren unleashed on the beach.


The lighthouse, "Leuchtfeuer Amrum".


Footsteps in the dunes.


The beach of Norddorf.


Storm coming up.
Erik said:

yes. The entire reason I am moving to Berlin is because it is a City.

Quit being a fellatio loving prick ok?

I'm moving to Berlin for a person, not the city. Sure, compared to vancouver it's like a fucking paradise. But thats like saying living in a dumpster is paradise to the garbage dump itself.

As for Lurch, I dunno about your rats, but ours generally don't just stretch out on the couch and watch some TV while they munch on your leftovers and a bag of chips while sipping a chudweiser. Thats probably why you don't see them, and cockroaches most certainly are not extinct, you probably just keep a clean apartment.

Even IF by some miracle of god, dog or Gork & Mork New York is clear of rats, pigeons and cockroaches, it's still:
- full of people
- full of people and therefore garbage
- a place that sucks
- a place that blows
- a place that licks ass like gugs

Would it be inappropriate for me to call Maren "sexy"?

doesn't bother me, I agree, so as long as she isn't bothered by it...*shrug*
Is it just me, or does Andrew come off as trying to be some holier than thou tuscarora? How was Erik coming off as a prick? The bloke said 2 words. Secondly, you should thank your lucky stars that you were not conceived in an overly-populated metropolis like Blew York, Shitcago, Or El Gay. I take great offense to you slagging off a Canadian city that is more than likely 500 times more suitable for living than this orangutang orchard known as So Cal. For fuck sakes, you have had everything handed to you on a silver platter. From your education, to Maren's panties, and everything in between. Count your blessings that you stumbled upon this wonderous forum to begin with, for if it were not for our lovable personalities that got you hooked to this community , you would have never seen the inside of a German bistro.

Her Von Natchen my balls.
snow2fall said:
Agreed. Though there are differences. I used to hate Berlin, but now I quite enjoy living here: historical buildings, hardly any skyscrapers, lots of parks and water, easy escape to the quiet surroundings, a working public transport system, a lack of bad traffic jams and dirt as I've seen them in London, Athens or Vancouver.

It's true, our traffic does suck, it's ridiculous. If people would just use the public transport we wouldn't have a problem. Nice pictures BTW :)

I can see why a lot of people don't like cities, I've always been attracted by the dichotomy; on one hand they are a monument to all of humanity's worst aspects - they're wasteful, overcrowded, dirty, and generally filled with people who wouldn't even try to help if the person next to them on the train collapsed. But at the same time there's a beauty to them; they are always busy and buzzing, you're constantly surrounded by history, there's always something interesting to do or see, they sometimes show the best side of humanity with people of completely different backgrounds coexisting peacefully and helping each other out, and their construction and very existence is a reminder of just what humanscan achieve with a little bit of cooperatioon... Just like anything else in life there are upsides and downsides, and it just depends which you appreciate more.