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big cities are irritating. They obviously have their perks, but everytime I visit Boston or NYC, I have several episodes of felling like I want to KILL.

I could NEVER, actually live in one. I have lived in pretty ccongested areas, and still do, to a point, but BIG cities are just UGH.

By the time I'm 40, if I make it that far, I want to live in a decently rural area.
Thanatopsis123 said:
For those arguing about cities, here's something interesting from Playboy this month:

"The Big Apple and its environs are home to 7% of the U.S. population but have 23% of the country's pyschiatrists."

that very well might be true ... the bit about the shrinks that is ... human interaction brings about troublesome minds sometimes.

however ...

i don't think you hear about kids or people going into schools and killing people in major cities ... or the like

lets face it ... some of you have a problem with people not cities ... as on the opposite side of the spectrum, if I had to live in the boonies, I would go ballistic as well ... but from the lack of interaction with others and also from seeing the same godforsaken faces day in day out.

i love nature and tranquility but just to unwind ... then bring me back to the big buzz
Reign in Acai said:
Is it just me, or does Andrew come off as trying to be some holier than thou tuscarora? How was Erik coming off as a prick? The bloke said 2 words. Secondly, you should thank your lucky stars that you were not conceived in an overly-populated metropolis like Blew York, Shitcago, Or El Gay. I take great offense to you slagging off a Canadian city that is more than likely 500 times more suitable for living than this orangutang orchard known as So Cal. For fuck sakes, you have had everything handed to you on a silver platter. From your education, to Maren's panties, and everything in between. Count your blessings that you stumbled upon this wonderous forum to begin with, for if it were not for our lovable personalities that got you hooked to this community , you would have never seen the inside of a German bistro.

Her Von Natchen my balls.


Also: orangutang orchard :tickled:
I Love Reign in Acai... LUUUUUUV

Also, whenever I visit a city bigger than Oslo (500.000 people, and the biggest city in Norway), I can literally feel my mood degenerating rapidy. After two or three days, I really, really HAVE to get away. I guess it's no wonder, as I was raised by a hunter, and spent roughly half my childhood out in the wilderness... :erk:
Apparently this is what the smog was like in London in the '50s :erk:

Crimson Velvet said:
Oslo (500.000 people, and the biggest city in Norway
moving. see you soon. Nashville is 1.5 million and medium-sized for the States. Sometimes I feel like I don't know it very well but then I realize that I run the same circles with the same group of people and it's really manageable. It'd be fun to live in a smaller city though. I'd like to live in Stockholm too.
yeah, I remember that. You were trying to grow your hair out. Last picture I saw of you, you were like "ahh, fuck it".
YES. You posted it somewhere and it was probably Erik (I'm almost certain) who said it looked like a bad wig and you were like, "fuck you!" and the next time we saw you, you were shaven.