Here's a couple pictures from my aunt's Halloween party the other night. I did not attend but I sent my mom out with my camera.
Apparently my dad went as a "negar" werewolf
And my mother...well, she doesn't look happy so I can 't decide whether to laugh at this or feel bad....*laughs anyway*
Kitties from today.
Yellow Boy:
They love each other
And since I'm not working anymore, I must hone my juggling skills. I mess up a couple times here and then try something I haven't done before...rockstarring it on my knees (turn sound off if you don't care for Hollenthon)
Some pics from my aunt's front yard tonight. For a little while I sat on a bench in the graveyard with my sleeves stuffed with paper, to make me look fake. I scared a couple of 12 year olds muwahaha. Little wigger kids got pwnt. Then they got angry and started yelling at me. Then they started yelling at the truly inanimate people in the graveyard too
The lighting was shit and the sky barren and uninteresting. I really wanted to wake up early and get of picture of the sun rising between the rocks but the alarm in my business hotel was busted.
Female pearl diver off the island pearls were first cultivated. Just a mask, wooden bucket, rope, and traditional white garb.
The torii at the bridge at the entrance to Naiku (the inner shrine of O-Ise-san), the oldest and most sacred shinto shrine.
View from the bridge.
An auxiliary shrine at Naiku.
The main shrine. This is where the sun goddess Amaterasu lives.
The pictures are nothing special this time around, just interesting I think.