Reign in Acai
Of Elephant and Man
I loathe cats. Their cat-litter stuff is extremely toxic and it just goes in landfills where it contaminates the ground water.
Good job, cat owners.
Well if cat owners allowed their beasts to roam wild in the yard where they actually belong, such shit-litter would not be necessary.
Keeping pets for one's own amusement is such a selfish, stupid and fucking annoying thing to do.
Failure. I unofficially adopted a stray several years back. All I do is feed the fucking thing and it loves me to death. She'd probably be in the gutter right now lying next to a negar if it weren't for me. So I don't understand how that is selfish kind sire. Though I see where you're coming from if you're referring to taking an animal and locking him indoors all day. That's some unnatural shit right there.