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Do vegans ever think that maybe plants don't want to be cut down, chewed up, and shat out some useless moron's asshole? No, of course not. They're too busy being self-righteous

This post was a lot funnier the first two times I read it through when I thought you were talking about the plants.
cats are on the planet to control rodent and bird populations you fucking twat.

:lol: Humans made the kitty cat we know of today-----Those never existed before us and don't really serve an absolute purpose. Big cats, those that have not been domesticated by us, I suppose you can say do that...but I don't think tigers even bother killing things as small as rodents and birds as the energy spent on chasing them down would be more than the calorie intake of the tiny thing for them.

And before someone says anything about dogs----They're not here to be our best friends. They've simply been domesticated from wolves to use for our own purposes, like cats from big cats. What's wrong with that? I love my Odin. :blush:
Do vegans ever think that maybe plants don't want to be cut down, chewed up, and shat out some useless moron's asshole? No, of course not. They're too busy being self-righteous


No points for you, simply because that was so unclever and you just took it straight from your "How To Ignorantly Fight With a Vegan" manual.
Edit: Jerry... the name BoBo was a dead giveaway!!!

I repeat "Originally." You can't say it was "put on the planet" (aka evolved) if we fucked it up to make it the way it is. It's a form of evolution, but its not "natural" evolution over thousands of years. Its us taking a one of those tiny wierdass asian WILD cats and making it domesticated and cute and fuzzy or butt ugly and hairless. So cram it you pink haired Pustule.

Do vegans ever think that maybe plants don't want to be cut down, chewed up, and shat out some useless moron's asshole? No, of course not. They're too busy being self-righteous

Listen up brothers and sisters,
come hear my desperate tale.
I speak of our friends of nature,
trapped in the dirt like a jail.

Vegetables live in oppression,
served on our tables each night.
This killing of veggies is madness,
I say we take up the fight.

Salads are only for murderers,
coleslaw's a fascist regime.
Don't think that they don't have feelings,
just cause a radish can't scream.

I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)
Watching their skins being peeled (having their insides revealed)
Grated and steamed with no mercy (burning off calories)
How do you think that feels (bet it hurts really bad)
Carrot juice constitutes murder (and that's a real crime)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (let my vegetables go)
It's time to stop all this gardening (it's dirty as hell)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade is a spade)

I saw a man eating celery,
so I beat him black and blue.
If he ever touches a sprout again,
I'll bite him clean in two.

I'm a political prisoner,
trapped in a windowless cage.
Cause I stopped the slaughter of turnips
by killing five men in a rage

I told the judge when he sentenced me,
This is my finest hour,
I'd kill those farmers again
just to save one more cauliflower


How low as people do we dare to stoop,
Making young broccolis bleed in the soup?
Untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes
Let potted plants free, don't mash that potato!

I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)
Watching their skins being peeled (fates in the stirfry are sealed)
Grated and steamed with no mercy (you fat gormet slob)
How do you think that feels? (leave them out in the field)
Carrot juice constitutes murder (V8's genocide)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (yes, your composts are graves)
It's time to stop all this gardening (take up macrame)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade, is a spade, is a spade, is a spade.....
I don't even think it's wrong for humans to eat animals, and yet look at all the shit I'm given, based on pure ASSUMPTION because I'm a vegan.

You guys are truly pathetic right now. And don't even understand what you're saying....or trying to say.
not everything is about you.

In this case we're responding to Jerry in a dress.

edit: FYI: I live with a vegetarian. I cook vegetarian food. I only eat meet once in a blue moon cause I'm fucking lazy. So shove your assumptions somewhere where you want Jerry's tongue.
Could you please just leave Suspiria? We all know you're just trolling for a kick, but you're derailing perfectly great threads. We should all be pulling a bukakke on Thana's japan pictures. Instead we're wasting our time with you.

I honestly have no problem with you, besides the fact you're a troll and ruin threads, since everytime you post, the Hate Crew takes the chance to attack you.

This looks like shit but I wanted to give you an idea of the view from on this mountain and I don't have a wide angle lense or anything.
That's at the secondary command center. This morning I was working at the primary base of negardom.

It's funny how every troll who comes through is automatically assumed to be me. :lol: Suspiria is also one of my fake accounts.