The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Yep, for the most part. But some cats don't care for physical contact with humans.

I'm lucky if I can sit in the living room and use my laptop without a cat trying to fall asleep on my arm.
Our cats are total opposites. One of them LOVES to be around people and always hands around and tries to annoy us by doing exactly what he knows he isn't supposed to do.

The other one hides under my parent's bed or in their closet all the damn time and runs away if anyone tries to go near her.
The only thing I fine retarded is killing cats becuz "you can". I've known a few men who went in to the service, and most of them have this bullhead philosphy of survival of the fittest. Cats are on this planet for us to nurture and love, not be at the end of a toothless warrior's buck knife. Go raise your ego somewhere else, and leave the pet nurturing to us!!!!

Holy fucking shit has this forum gone to shit. BRING BACK OLD RC SENSE OF HUMOR!
I don't remember why I made this, but it must have been necessary at the time.

Has anyone ever made an amusing combo of that ubiquitous Tully pic with the Lurch speedo collection?
edit: I'll post some of my tully shit if I can find it too.

What makes you think I give a shit whether I'm welcome or not? Half the fun is the fact I hate you all.

Admit it, your actually a masochist, and you want to hook upw ith Jerry nad have him take his slave whip to your hairy bits.

Cats are on this planet for us to nurture and love,

cats are on the planet to control rodent and bird populations you fucking twat.

That said, killing animals because you can is about as low as you can fucking stoop. (similar to raping little children, or beating elderly and disabled.) But I think we all know Tully was just having a knee-jerk susperia reaction. He's got ragheads to kill.
cats are on the planet to control rodent and bird populations you fucking twat.

I'm a twat that you'll never touch hunnybear. Cats are on the planet to be loved and cared for by kind hearted human beings. I'm so sick of coming to forums expecting music discussion, and ending up debating male chauvinists over life's most obvious and simply spelled perspectives. I love my cat BoBo, she's as beautiful as the cat the poster named Susperia showed a picture of. And I guarantee you, that no one is going to lay a finger on her as long as I'm around. Uh uh no Siree!

Show animals respect! They get butchered needlessly every day to feed your rotund bellies. How would you like it if somebody turned you in to a platter of rib eye? VEGANISM BABAY!! :kickass:
Do vegans ever think that maybe plants don't want to be cut down, chewed up, and shat out some useless moron's asshole? No, of course not. They're too busy being self-righteous
Anybody who thinks that anything is on this planet "for a reason" should be clubbed over the head.