The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

You also didn't use the Ugly Mode cheat code, so there you go.

And no, it doesn't make you attractive, but it makes you more interesting/fun to be around. Important distinction.
I don't know, I've met lots of people whose interest in video games has made them considerably less interesting and fun to be around.
Theres raging geek who locks himself away to play WoW by himself or played Lineage just to watch the elven females run.

Then there are the kind who enjoy drinking beer and playing burnout in a large group.
I am a raging geek and that somehow pisses people off, when all I want to do is sit around and watch every Trek movie until my eyes bleed and a million Jarhead bros come in my room.

- Friends.

- Me.
Party by drinking and watching star trek, then doing re-enacments of the scenes. You guys probably even have the sniper rifles and close combat weapons to do a pretty good job of it.
Party by drinking and watching star trek, then doing re-enacments of the scenes. You guys probably even have the sniper rifles and close combat weapons to do a pretty good job of it.

Haha. I got stabbed (not crazy brutal stabbed) with a bayonet re-enacting Return of the Jedi once. That was sweet.

I was in my buddies room the other night and we decided to watch DOA and drink every time something completely impossible happened. We got very drunk.
Playing Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Don't Break The Oath, and Hell Awaits in the morning is always fun.
