The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

She gets fucking butthurt over EVERYTHING and now has the stones to call somebody else out? Even I thought it was stupid to use meaningless rune stones before I scrolled down, and I have no Scandinavian heritage whatsoever.
Runes, shmoons. I'm looking at Susperia's boobs :)

The first sketch after that makes me chuckle. Looks kinda like a boogersicle hanging from the fellow's nostril :p
Some pictars from tonight's Bat Castle show in Dallas. The long-haired guitarist is James (Vesperian Sorrow James). He is excellent.









It was at the Red Blood Club...
you lie! my mega-hot gf (name withheld :goggly:):

also, logo for my band arterial spray, first show coming up a week from tonite!


edit: the nikes are intentional btw, if i had my way we'd all be wearing teh hitops

VERY bored.....

I've posted this hilarious viking illustration montage before on GMD but thought maybe it would be enjoyed here too. =D I hate picture montages----- They're so 80's no matter what. Nevertheless, it was an assignment, junior year in college. The reference for the body of the Valkyrie was mine :blush: though obviously not the face since I don't look like Barbie...

The only thing I like about it now are the rune stones....Those are some bad ass runes....I totally made up the sides, they dont' actually say anything just random runes put together. I rule.

And some sketchesssss

Please don't mind me whoring my drawings.

wow Cara... you're really good!!!! I am very impressed and in aww of those drawings, seriously... good stuff!