The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

:lol: ... thanks fellas and ladies ...

LOL @ the curry plate ... might be more to come. I have to look through about 1500 photos.

and Greg IS RJD!
VERY bored.....

I've posted this hilarious viking illustration montage before on GMD but thought maybe it would be enjoyed here too. =D I hate picture montages----- They're so 80's no matter what. Nevertheless, it was an assignment, junior year in college. The reference for the body of the Valkyrie was mine :blush: though obviously not the face since I don't look like Barbie...

The only thing I like about it now are the rune stones....Those are some bad ass runes....I totally made up the sides, they dont' actually say anything just random runes put together. I rule.

And some sketchesssss

Please don't mind me whoring my drawings.
Hm, the upper part of the drawing is kind of nice and decent, but the lower part is, well pretty daft. And I can't help but laugh at the self-contented moronic grin of that horse :lol: sorry

The sketches are nice though
why shouldn't we?

The rune crap was kinda stupid imo, why have real runes saying nothing on the side and some fake shit on top and bottom?

Dude it's just a shitty illustration I had to do in like, one night for class. :erk:

Though it's cute how the Scandinavians get all butt hurt if their ancestors runes aren't used correctly at all times in the 21st century. =P

Edit: Everyone: I posted the viking illustration simply because it IS funny.....NOT to be taken seriously---geez!