The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

those pictures are fucking :OMG:

You are going to enjoy the shit out of that place. grats
Danke thank you and yes we will! It's (at least) as awesome IRL as in those pictures too, and my brother lives just across the road (to the right of the ironworks from most of those pictures) which is ace since we enjoy each others' company, and mom+dad are less than five minutes away by car which rox for babysitter reasons and other stuff like that.

And, mr. D: It's not really haunted, the picture just says so. It's great, big and kool though!
nice village Mike!

went to visit an old lady friend a few weeks ago in Georgetown .. Regan is doing much better :loco:

hehe ... cool that you got that.

here's another pic of the infamous stairs ... these are actualy right next to the house (house is on top left of the stairs ... but not right next to them like in the movie, there is a big yard separating the house from the stairs)

The last remnants of Kike last night. I thought the sky looked kinda cool.

We really didn't get much here though. A sprinkin' of rain and a little breeze, twas all.
There are some great pics on this page.

I'm glad it's calm over there in the Dallas/FW area.

I browsed the reader-submitted photos at and there are some excellent shots there from prior-, during-, and post-storm. The high surf shots from Port Arthur, High Island and Galveston really convey the awesome power of Mother Nature. There are a few picturesque sunrise and sunset shots in there and lots of images of wide-spread flooding, downed trees and broken stuff everywhere. There's one pic of a boarded-up window with an angry face spray painted on it that made me giggle, too.

The Texas gulf coast was not the only place affected. Other gulf coast states suffered as well, e.g., Louisiana again. :erk:

When last I checked the headline on the front page of the Chronicle said: FLOODING FAILS TO DETER EVACUEES. Evidently the press guys, the weather guys, the rescue people, all the residents who couldn't (or wouldn't) evacuate, and all the returning evacuees are going to be soaked for a while.

It's interesting how the weather and press guys told the coastal people they'd face "certain death" if they didn't evacuate. Were the weather and press guys going to face their own certain death as well by reporting from the scene? In that same breath they reported IKE as a Cat 2 storm. I still can't wrap my head around that. Cat 2 will not deter some people who have previous experience with hurricane storms. Some folks are just stubborn like that and it's not something that is limited to U.S. gulf coast residents.
"nerd room" as I like to call it.
theres another window to the right.
I really hate the tan/yellow color, so im gonna paint it white.

bedroom, gonna paint it some kind of blue..

bathroom, needs a ton of work still.
put up a medicine cabinet and new lights, took down a shitty shelf, put in a new toilet, and took off the shower glass sliding doors (gross)

still need to get a couch and put up some pictures

as you can tell, this place is still a mess.
and i didnt bother with taking pics of the basement or the backyard
tank you
when we're finished with the poop room it will look nice.
we painted the window frames white (they were just wood) it made the bedroom look 10x better.
If I wasnt lazy I'd go grab some paint rollers and start working on the nerd room.

backyard... much work is needed on these giant trees. Its so dark back there that the grass doesnt grow :u-huh:

From the very back of the property.