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Oi swizzlenuts do you remember this night? Cloven Hooooooof!


I can't decide who looks more ridiculous.
I hate stuff like this. Oh, she's a celebrity! We care! Send money!
Do you now how many people die from septicemia every day? Or live but have their dick cut off because it rotted?
Does anyone give a shit about them?

I read that this morning ... sad.
but man ... stomach removed, hands and feet amputated at 20 years old. fuck me ... she really must have a strong will to live.

but i agree with your take on the story obviously comrade ... but I never heard of this disease until today.
I hate stuff like this. Oh, she's a celebrity! We care! Send money!
Do you now how many people die from septicemia every day? Or live but have their dick cut off because it rotted?
Does anyone give a shit about them?

Whenever the media isolates an incident such as this, you're going to see a wave of sympathy in response. Are you truly pissed, or simply continuing with your "I hate everything that exists" schtick?!? The fact is, you get to continue on all fours for the rest of your ephemeral existence, while this poor girl will be left changing the channel with her tongue. Dismissing one's sorrow in the lamplight of celebrity. C'mon Jon, you're better than that.
i can see where dorian comes from working in a hospital and all ... the common man's plight is never thrown into the spotlight for all to throw money at.

i always thought that instead of the hoopla the Oscar's get for example, the same amount of media attention should be thrust at the Nobel prize ceremony or some other yearly medical or scientific awards as those are the people we should really celebrate, not "actors"
"A tear shed for one, should be a tear shed for all." :waah:

The average Johnny Lunchmeat who succumbs to this infliction is out fucking Amy Winehouse and anything else that shoots a bubble after being soaked in agua fresca. Of course the media is not going to cater to those lecherous limpdicks. This damsel of 20, had the whole world at her fingertips and she lost it due to a misdiagnosis. Universal Health Care! :kickass:
LOL @ Jerry.
Yeah, I'm not dismissing the girl's plight. That's terrible. No stomach? Fuck me.
It's just that I've seen several people over the years get wheeled out of the hospital with missing limbs. I've also seen several people die from septicemia. I remember one guy in his mid-20s have the pleasure of having the end of his dick removed after it died from lack of blood flow as a result of the drugs that shunted his blood to his vital organs to keep him alive. This all from an infected dog bite. Lost his eye too.
It interests me that this chick was misdiagnosed with kidney stones. Nice! Remind me not to see a physician in Brazil.
"A tear shed for one, should be a tear shed for all." :waah:

The average Johnny Lunchmeat who succumbs to this infliction is out fucking Amy Winehouse and anything else that shoots a bubble after being soaked in agua fresca. Of course the media is not going to cater to those lecherous limpdicks. This damsel of 20, had the whole world at her fingertips and she lost it due to a misdiagnosis. Universal Health Care! :kickass:

Raging urinary tract infections can arise from going from the butt to the vag.
Just saying.
Did I ever tell the story about the girl who decided to lance her own boil? And then went surfing?
Well, she's dead.
Ass-to-mouth is a colloquial term for the removal of the penis from the passive partner's anus followed by the immediate insertion of the penis into the passive partner's or another partner's mouth

It is also known as A2M, ATM, or Ass-to-Mouth. Ass-to-mouth generally excludes cleaning the penis or other object after its removal from the anus and before its insertion into the mouth. This may enhance sexual excitement for both active and passive partners, often developing from connotations of domination/humiliation. "Ass-to-other mouth," abbreviated as A2OM or ATOM, specifically describes the variant of the act where the penis is moved from one partner's anus to a different partner's mouth. Another variation is known as A2P, ATP, or Ass-to-pussy which refers to removing the penis from the anus and inserting it into the vagina. The term has been used since at least January 1995 and clearly defined since at least August 1996.[2] Despite its health risks, ass-to-mouth has become prevalent in pornographic films, depicting it as a pleasurable act.

The health risks of ass-to-mouth include the risks of both oral sex and anal-oral sex. Unprotected oral-genital contact involves the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital herpes or chlamydia and HIV. HIV can be transmitted due to the fact that rough anal sex, usually results in minuscule tearing of the rectal tissue, and small amounts of blood are left on the penis and then when the performer sucks the penis, if they have even a tiny sore, tear, cut in their mouth, they can get infected with the HIV Virus. The recipient of ass-to-mouth is also at risk of infection by Hepatitis A,[5] as well as intestinal parasites and other diseases carried in the feces. Hepatitis A, according to the CDC, is only spread from a person with Hep A to another. In other words, someone can't get Hep A from performing A2M on something that has been in their own anus.

It is unknown whether thoroughly washing the anal area and applying an enema results in reduced risk of disease, although general cleanliness is advisable for any sexual act. Porn-industry performers often use enemas prior to filming anal sex sequences; however, this is primarily to eliminate the possibility of any fecal matter appearing on film, rather than disease prevention.

Source - The T.V Show Doctors