The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

aww :eek:

I would have bet 4th guy, long hair, but I guess that's fine then. Pleased to meet you

thats my brother! so pretty good guess

The double popped collars is a nice touch.

no double popped collars though, its a munkjacka

also i think i was supposed to send you a demo but forgot so i'll probably send it when we've recorded the new one if still interested
June has arrived and the beach season has begun!




How cute is that????
here's some (out of a couple hundred i still need to sort through properly) animal pictures i took yesterday at LYCKSELE DJURPARK






since deciding to shoot all my stuff in RAW and process in lightroom, i'm still struggling with that a little bit, not because it's hard to use lr but because there's TOO MANY OPTIONS and i've yet to decide what i want my photos to look like by default if that makes sense, so each photo has a different "look". i like consistency so i need to figure this out. sometimes i wanna shoot all of my stuff in black and white but...
thanx for the comments buddies

there are some other semi-cool ones of foxes and lynxes and lil baby goats that i might upload later