The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

So, I got drunk (BAC .4) and decided (during a blackout) that it would be a good idea to try to enter the apartment that I used to live in. I suppose at some point I realized I no longer lived there and attempted to retreat. The problem came when I went to walk down the stairs from the second story and my ankle gave way and I went over the side of the railing straight onto my skull. 3 fractures in my sinus cavity + 2 spiderweb fractures on my crown later I've decided to slow down on drinking :lol: What sucks is I hadn't touched a drop for over a month before this shit happened.


This was either day #1 or #2, I have no clue.


Day #4 or #5


Yay, time to go home. :bah:


10 days after the initial accident and swelling had receded. I heal pretty fast for some reason.

Saw this at Best Buy the other night, and LOL'd accordingly. What a piece of shit album. I mean at least when Metallica puts garbage out you feel compelled to give it more than half a try, which was not the case for this poop.


Not terribly impressive since I was idling at a stop sign, but it might be some years until I see 666 on an odometer again, so I had to take what I could get, much like BTO before me.
lol @ the first pic

My dad went to his family reunion today and returned with some big-ass okra, compliments of a distant cousin. Washed and froze them. I'm set for a while :cool:
