The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page


at the ball game with the wife and daughter
The moment you have all been waiting for - pix!

Less than an hour old:

Weird angle but beautiful people:
Thanks peeps! Her name is Norna. She isn't very evil actually, or maybe it's just that she hasn't gotten any teeth yet...

Differences second time versus first: First time I didn't know anything about babies, had never held one this young and absoluetly not fed, bathed, changed a diaper or cleaned around the umbilical cord. This time all of that day-to-day stuff is easy. What's hard is dividing time and attention between a 1y9m and a newborn as the older child doesn't get that mom/dad can't do whatever she wants whenever she wants, and the jealousy of course but that hasn't been bad yet...

The mega killer life happiness kick is the same if not even better. Last night after coming home from the hospital while chillin' out with a beer when both kids were asleep, moments like that are what makes life worth living.
What's hard is dividing time and attention between a 1y9m and a newborn as the older child doesn't get that mom/dad can't do whatever she wants whenever she wants, and the jealousy of course but that hasn't been bad yet...

That was difficult for me. If my wife was napping or something and I was holding the baby and the older son wanted me to pick him up I felt guilty every time.
These are great news. Congrats, guys! I'm totally happy for you and like I've said when Dis was born - it's really awesome for me to see young people being excited and delighted about having kids. Strange times, strange world today, you know. I wish you lots of patience and wisdom.
it's really awesome for me to see young people being excited and delighted about having kids. Strange times, strange world today, you know. I wish you lots of patience and wisdom.

so in the Ukraine too having kids is viewed like the plague as well?