The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

What Max means to say is, "You have no idea how many dicks I can fit in my mouth at once." Nah, cool stuff though! I need to try a legitimate cheesesteak sometime. Also, it it just me or does Warrel look extremely frail these days?
That's cool. There's a dude in town that is the nicest guy I've ever met. He looks a little like a science teacher and is in a couple bands. He fucking knows EVERYONE. Literally. It never ceases to amaze me. The greatest part is that he always introduces me and mentions Arse Magma like it's Candlelight or something. :lol:
haha this is so fuckign awkward and pathetic, i really hate the "METAL SCENE"

anyways here are a couple of pixxx




i have been taking fewer pictures than i would like to lately, partly because i'm getting a little tired of my camera's limitations. my li'l old k100ds has taken 10000+ exposures since 2007 and is a beautiful machine but frankly her slowness and lack of dynamic range is kind of annoying me lately

going to upgrade to k-5 :cool:
damn, i love secon and third ones.
Have you updated your gear?


no, the camera is the same old pentax k100d super (as i wrote in the previous post)

the second one is taken with a $5 lens (a manual 70's chinon 50/1.7) and extension rings
the bird was taken with another $5 lens, a pentax-m 135/3.5
so naw, i'm still mostly rollin' noca$h style

but i am upgrading to a pentax k-5 at some point
Sweet... Seriously, it's awesome when a person can make amazing shots with a simple gear.
I'm also in love with my the cheapest Canon lens 50/1.8 . It's totally underrated. Planning to use ext. tubes too, been reading bout them a lot and also tried some.
And I've updated my set with 16-35/2.8 this summer :)
any 50/1.7, 50/1.8 etc. is going to be sharp, i've never heard of a bad standard lens. my olympus om zuiko 50/1.8 is an especially beautiful lens, and i also have a modern autofocus pentax-fa 50/1.7. so yep. good stuff, but not as exciting on APS-C sensors since they turn into 75 mm equiv. that's why i got my sigma 28/1.8 macro, it's roughly 42 mm on aps-c which is a great field of view for a standard lens. shame it's so big and heavy. probably my fanciest lens though so it gets a lot of use these days

16-35 sounds awesome, the only thing missing from my lens lineup is a real proper wide angle. considering this (i don't like zooms anymore)