The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

These are great news. Congrats, guys! I'm totally happy for you and like I've said when Dis was born - it's really awesome for me to see young people being excited and delighted about having kids. Strange times, strange world today, you know. I wish you lots of patience and wisdom.
Thank you! I believe we have lots of patience already, we've lasted almost a week with two kids, no sleep and no casualties!

Congrats on the newest member of the Motorbikes! :)
J's wife looks like a pleasant woman.
You mean you want her.
For Meshuggah fans:



About three years now, I think. I started going to the gym to prepare for the USMC, but that didn't work out. I stuck with it, though. For the first two years I was in the gym for like 6 days a week, now it's more like three. I worked in a Vitamin World for a year and a half as well, that helped with discounts for supplements, and the store manager was a natural bodybuilder. He gave me a lot of tips and tricks. Usually anytime I had a question about something I was doing, he'd have an answer.

I wasn't average, but this was me in 12th grade:
