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wow, this is gonna be a barnburner! i think lurch should be the ref.

can someone video the smackdown for me? pretty please?
I get it. You're a fucking tough guy who joined the military to get away from his lonely fucking life. You're angry at a guy on the internet who stopped a little guy from punching him. You want to break both of my arms because you're messed with every DAY!!! fuck, at least talk shit to a colored guy or something.....and I don't think I said anything about the belt but...seriously....douchery. You are so apparently obsessed with the appearance of being tough and metal that you come off as the biggest "POSER" I've ever seen. Sorry to use the word poser, but I wanted to use Bay Area slang from '89 so you'd understand. Once again, your brothers in arms are no less than a gang of like-minded guys who didn't excel in school or life and chose that lifestyle as a last option. AGAIN, I don't feel protected by you douches. You do NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING.. HOORAH...... No one will remember you when you die so drop the act like you're involved in anything more than what it is.....idiocy.

I literally didn't even read a word of this.

EDIT: Haha, woah, I did read what I wrote last night though. Lot's of booze. In actuality I wouldn't bother with you at all.
That reminds me of how much Star Trek makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It really is one of the best put together...'things in general', of all time. Than again I am a huge nerd, haha.
how long did you live in that hole?

That wasn't my fighting hole, I was in a three man fighting hole. I can't find any pictures of it though. We spent a month in the 'defense', as the positions are called. A 360 degree perimeter of fighting holes, outlined with claymores, surrounding a central command hole containing the radios, maps, etc. etc.
It's just because it has caffeine in it which is a dangerous combination. The goverment cracked down on a couple of other brands but for some reason that drink kept being sold.