The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page



I should upload the videos of us throwing sneakers at his face from across the room a few months back.

Or a couple weeks ago when my buddy ran across the back yard and curl hopped a small basketball right into his face pointblank while he was passed out sloppy.
yeah, thanks

it's the worst season for picture-taking though; most of the time there's no light (i.e. it's already dark when i get home from work at 4 pm) and when there is light it is grey and flat. but i'll try

these are all pretty and well-done with nice colours and whatnot, but naw, not my thing. not feelin' it at all.

instead i'm thinking i should stop complaining about the weather, dress warm and get out there an early morning sometime soon. i know crappy weather is not a real excuse, especially not with a camera body that's weather-sealed and cold-resistant down to at least -10c. so. yep. (whenever i tried taking out my old camera in the wintertime, battery life was hopeless)