The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

I'm sick of being sick. All last week it was the gastrointestinal bug that's sweeping the nation (patient zero: Aurel) and as soon as I fucking get over that, I wake up with a throat so sore I can't even talk.
Being stuck in a hospital for twelve hours a day probably doesn't help.
how much is this in Ameri Sheckels? Nice place.

$51 000. Do it, summerplace and future vacations all taken care of. An old classmate of mine grew up in this particular house.

Just google 350000 sek in usd and whäm there you have it
Also works for converting other ungodly units to their divine counterparts such as ft to m or lbs to kgs or gallons to litres etc
also keep in mind that the dollar right now is worth slightly less than monopoly money relative to other currencies, so these houses appear cheaper than that to swedes

Nice place.
this is the archetypal "just a house" in sweden, they all look like this. if you ask a swedish five year old to draw a house this is what it's gonna look like.
this is the archetypal "just a house" in sweden, they all look like this. if you ask a swedish five year old to draw a house this is what it's gonna look like.

'cept one of them houses was brown. That bloke mustn't be able to afford the customary red paint.

I kept reading those prices thinking 200 grand? 350 grand? That ain't cheap. Then I realised they're talking kronor. Ja skit i det, jag flytter till Sverige.
$51 000. Do it, summerplace and future vacations all taken care of. An old classmate of mine grew up in this particular house.

Just google 350000 sek in usd and whäm there you have it
Also works for converting other ungodly units to their divine counterparts such as ft to m or lbs to kgs or gallons to litres etc

thanks Mikeee. I know about currency converters of course, just wanted to get a "real" quote. not a bad price.
I thought that was it on the previous page (478)?


Don't worry, more pix and even inside ones are coming in due time. Because I feel so good about this so I wanna show it to the whole internet.
Is that house in Rundvik? I'm having christmas dinner at the hotel/restaurant in Levar tomorrow, which is right outside Rundvik if I remember correctly.