The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Some pictures of people rockin' Victory Clothing Co. (my company) gear, wooo, feels pretty cool:



(My call-sign is Fozzie)







Annnnnd the new shirts coming out, just to make this post really really annoying:




I may not be in a band, but it still feels good to create something that people enjoy and help support.

i really like your stuff Tully ... you got some serious following on FB as well ... godspeed dude!
i really like your stuff Tully ... you got some serious following on FB as well ... godspeed dude!

Thanks man! Hard to keep up with demand since it's obviously a side-gig. But, I also keep everything to bare minimum prices and just give shit away a lot of the time since it is a 'hobby' and not my job (so I don't have to worry about Victory actually making any money right now) so it's fun.
Holy fuck that rules face! Although I'd be surprised if he doesn't run into string pull issues. [/pickup nerd]

i am glad finally you guys fucked up :lol: ... big time.

still we got you beat ... we vote movie stars into office. :kickass:
So amazing. SO AMAZING. :lol:
I received this t-shirt for a bday present earlier this year. It's an L though, I still need to drop 10 pounds to not look like a fool in it. But soon... soon...!

It wasn't ready til 8:30 tonight, so I've yet to get a picture of it in the sunlight. This pic really doesn't do it justice, but here it is :)


This is why I always come back to RC. :tickled:

Bday partay pictures from a few months ago, one night for parents, one night for friends:


I believe my parents were "discussing" proper candle arrangement. I tried to do my best Gay Cap'n Morgan impersonation, but didn't lift my leg in time.



Stoutcake a friend made me. So god damn good. Also yes, the eyes lit up. Awesome. I made everyone listen to Bloodbath and Mayhem that night, I figured Skullcake would've wanted it that way.
I was gonna bitch about no TurboGrafx but I think that is one below the NES.

No CD though, sucks! How you gonna miss out on Ys Book I & II like that?! :yell:
Nice. he even go the Neo Geo AES and Neo Geo CD in there. the AES has a copy of 'Metal Slug' in the cartridge slot. that's a total value of about $1500-$2000 just right there. for reals
How can you guys tell those apart?!
Does he have a Dreamcast?

That TV is too high, btw.
I dont understand when people do that