The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Wow that is a lot for Texas. Waxahachie ain't no ghost town, though. My husband and I are making a quick trip to Austin next weekend, assuming that he doesn't fall out of the car and shit his pants. Wish I could narrow the list down to the Austin area, hmmm.
Spent a morning doing touristy stuff in Austin, as I'd only ever seen Austin at night in a drunken haze. Had fun for a few hours, then we got bored and went home. :p

Duck boat tour through downtown Austin. The morning was kinda chilly, which actually made this pretty awesome.

State Capitol. How enthralling.

Making the transition from automobile to watercraft.

The tour guide said that the original Piranha movie from the 70's was filmed here, and that this building can be seen throughout the movie.

Cemetery stroll. Creepy tomb as black as death.

Found my spot.

Found his spot. lol @ "Ima Hogg"

Then we did some epic mountain climbing up to the top of a mountain. A whopping 700 feet!





Here's a shitty picture of my new tattoo, taken just when it was done and too close to see that it's on me wee belly


I really need to show Tully this, anyone know where he's killin' these days?
I was thinking about Tully the other day. That dude and I didn't always get along, but years later he really did become my hero. And yes, partly because of tattoos like that. And I say :kickass: to you as well, Hell Mike! I don't have any tattoos and probably won't ever get one. I did used to think about getting a Danzig skull of some sort, but 15 years ago thought that a bad idea. These days I just think "it would be cool if I had a Danzig skull of some sort" and still constantly listen to even his shitty albums. Growing out of rad shit is for god damn poseurs.

Check this out, I'm moving which means digging up all the shit you've collected over the years. So far the coolest thing was this wee box with all my old concert ticket stubs, along with these 4 neato albums (well, one MiniCD and 3 tapes, whatever):


The best ticket is still an old Oysterhead one, because it actually had a neato design to it with a shiny oyster in the dude's head, instead of the stupid shitty Ticketbastard Brazilian-esque gaymoney colors. I'm looking forward to putting this entire affair away somewhere and probably not finding it again for another 7 years.
Fuck yes that tattoo, fuck yes that box of cult tapes, and fuck yes, metal.

Where the fucking hell is Tully these days?