The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Did you get to listen to Exciter when getting the work done? Or at least some kind of poser-crushing metal?

Yup. Deciding on size and placement (on vinyl, cause that's how hip(ster) we are):

(the other two dudes are my brothers, the one facing me is the tattooer and the other one kept my mind off the itch with small talk and beer. Great team.)

Took a little longer than the album to complete it though

We're having a bit of a heat wave. So this morning I said "fuckit," loaded up the Jeep, and ascended to the highest local elevation for a nice day of hiking and wheeling. It was only 74 degrees over 9,000 feet up, hooray! Whenever I go off into the wilderness, I always overpack. One day's planned journey means I bring provisions for an accidental overnight, enough food for a day or longer, and enough water for at least 3 days. Because shit happens, and when it does, I will be prepared. So today... I forgot my tools. And something broke. OOPS! But I improvised and made it, whatever. Here are a few photos:


Entrance to one of the trails I found. The sign said Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate so I turned around and hiked a different one.


You can't tell because my cell phone camera is atrocious, but this was the sun behind a cloud. It was still perfectly round and visible. Since the cloud was quite thick, I got to enjoy staring at the sun for 30 seconds straight without going blind. That was neat.


This picture is next to a glorious field that I found and stared at for probably 15 minutes. I didn't photograph that part, because I really wasn't in the mood. But I then wondered, where does this road lead to? Only the mysterious Cthulhujeep knows...!


I found a remote road that lead to Onyx Peak in hopes of finding a really cool view but instead there was a giant radio tower, or whatever this thing is. Still kind of nifty I suppose. I was in the middle of nowhere and some dude in a kilt was up there. He was not very talkative. The view was nice, it overlooked Yucca Valley, the little town where I grew up. I didn't photograph that because I was too busy enjoying the moment (and eating a fig bar).

Not shown: the really fucking strange trail I hiked that appeared to have been flooded recently. About halfway down (it was all downhill) I started thinking "this is gonna hurt on the way up, I should turn around..." but I didn't do that until I found some very large animal footprints. And then I found two absolutely massive trees. One was felled, the other standing proud. Utterly huge! I couldn't even see their entirety from where I stood. That was certainly today's finest glory.
F that heat! If only we had mountains to escape to. I also went hiking today, but your elevation and location >>>> mine. We're actually having a cold spell, and it was about 65 wonderful degrees all day. The bugs were being friendly, or in shock.





I, too, attempted a sun picture. And meh.

Oh! And some kind of carnivore urp. I'm guessing this was a rabbit at some point.
thats it im movin to cali

not because of the kilt guy btw, just the geography of a wonderful region
F that heat! If only we had mountains to escape to. I also went hiking today, but your elevation and location >>>> mine.
It's funny, when I was hiking today I was thinking of a post from J. many years ago, he was saying how altitude sickness is bullshit. So today I was laughing, finally realizing that Texas has no elevation change! And by "laughing" I mean huffing my ass off whilst on the first click. I'm in good shape currently, and my body adjusts quickly, but god damn if that higher elevation ain't a bitch for the first few minutes. That being said, Texas is beautiful. I have a particular fondness for the western side before you reach Hell Paso.

And those dragonflies are AWESOME. Bugs are neat. But last time I was up in the area I was today, it was cicada season. Those fuckers scare the crap out of me, especially when loudly bouncing off my head. Harmlessly annoying faggots!

@Vittra: you have a place to stay if you're nice to my wife. $400 a month for your own room and bathroom... but I poop there in the morning.

@dorian: the front swaybar disconnect I installed last week. I skipped the step where they said USE LOCTITE and the fucker came loose! :loco:

Re: weather: I've been called a reptile more than once. I actually thrive on 100 degree days, I stand in the sun absorbing it all and just feeling GOOD. But in mid-September? Even my cold blood says fuckdatshit. My house is 15 miles away from the mountains. That is a good thing.
You know the best part? I actually bought a tube of that shit before the install! And when I got to that step, with the god damn package in my hand, I said "fuck LOCTITE!"
dont ever say fuck loctite, because screws and bolts will then say FUCK YOU

@Vittra: you have a place to stay if you're nice to my wife. $400 a month for your own room and bathroom... but I poop there in the morning..

Ha, appreciate it, but I have a ton of family in various areas of Cali, so lodgings aren't the problem. Work is. Didn't you want to punch your wife in the face recently? I'm pretty sure I could manage being more cordial than that.
It is true, Loctite is fucking amazing. I got home and torqued the fuck out of the bolts in question, but if they come loose again (only 1 did, technically), Loctite it shall be. You know what is really fun though?! Driving a Jeep Wrangler at 55mph without the front swaybar connected! Holy fuck that was god damn scary, and I used to drive Samurais. I pulled over* and mickeymoused that shit to get me home before I killed myself along with several innocent bystanders.

It was not a punch in the face she almost received. It was a choke, throw off the bed, and then break her fucking neck on the side table, all at the same time. One day you'll be married. One day you'll understand. I can say this openly because believe you me, she has almost murdered me a few times. Direct quote from her about me, in regards to our marriage being a success: "Well, at least I don't have fantasies of stabbing you any longer."

*drove to a nearby creek, washed my face in gloriously clean water, then pissed next to the stream, much like a wolf
More like "currently"

The last few pages of the "what the fuck to do with my life pls" thread pretty much guaranteed I'll never get married
It's funny, when I was hiking today I was thinking of a post from J. many years ago, he was saying how altitude sickness is bullshit. So today I was laughing, finally realizing that Texas has no elevation change! And by "laughing" I mean huffing my ass off whilst on the first click. I'm in good shape currently, and my body adjusts quickly, but god damn if that higher elevation ain't a bitch for the first few minutes. That being said, Texas is beautiful. I have a particular fondness for the western side before you reach Hell Paso.

really? i said this? if i did i must have forgotten that time i went skiing in colorado and had to have the driver pull over so i could barf on pure white snow because of the altitude
god damn if that higher elevation ain't a bitch for the first few minutes
When I first moved to Maryland, it took months before I could even go out on the town without feeling like I was going to fall over and die. The last time that altitude really bothered me was during a drive with Derick from Texas to Maryland. We started getting up in some hills somewhere in Virginia, and, quite suddenly, I felt as if I'd been knocked in the head with a hammer. We had to stop for a while so I could get my bearings, so we went into a local Wal-Mart. A really backwoods, country hillbilly Wal-Mart filled with Deliverance-type folks. Quite a surreal experience that was only heightened by my woozy state. :loco:

In short, yep, altitude sickness is a thing.
really? i said this? if i did i must have forgotten that time i went skiing in colorado and had to have the driver pull over so i could barf on pure white snow because of the altitude
Ha! That sucks. Found the thread, you weren't the only naysayer in there!

altitude shmaltitude. so your ears pop. big whoop

Why I retain this kind of knowledge, I'll never know. I should've been a research librarian. :(