The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Why I retain this kind of knowledge, I'll never know. I should've been a research librarian. :(

i hate my posts. i suck at UM. i was a total arrogant dickhead. still am in some ways, but at least now im semi medicated and only want to kill people half the time.

anyway, i still dont know why i posted that, especially considering i cant fly without dramamine and if i do, pray you arent next to me. i get altitude and motion sickness super easily. cant read in a car for more than 30 seconds or i feel like blowing chunks and stick my head out the window for fresh air
New shirt

Yeah she was real cute. Our friends own her so we had to give her back but they said there are more available from the same litter. We might get one.
Key Key!

We spent our Saturday hiking 9 miles. It was awesome outside, so it was a good time. Even though we ran out of water half way through and didnt bring any snacks. lol

The very end of the trail. We came up over a hill and saw this (well I took this picture after we had crossed)
We ended up saying fuck it and just walked through it. It was about a foot deep and was pretty chilly, which felt damn good.

After we finished the trail we ran into some older people who were about to ride horses. One of the guys had a beer. Damn it smelled so good! So I had to get a beer with my thai food.
The recent Ebola mania influenced my choice of Halloween costume this year. I'm really proud of my handiwork on the mask. And my husband could not take clear pictures if his very life depended on it.



Cara, that fuckin' rules. Frank, forest boogers are the best!

At a Hallowe'en party last weekend I was a Fraudulent Trappist Monk: don't talk to be about Jebus, I'm here for the beer.

Last night at my gig/party I was Dr. Challis from Halloween III. In other words I dressed as normal, but with a lab coat, and drank heavily.


I think it is time that I stop drinking for a little bit.