The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

Haha thanks everyone. :loco:

Cara, I don't normally say this when a curly-haired woman straightens her hair, given that I prefer both the Devil's music and his curls, but that is pretty hot + metal as fuck.

I cut my hair pretty short recently, and by pretty short I mean shoulder length. It hasn't been this trimmed for many years, which diminishes the fact that I'm 27.34% gray.

I've been shoulder-length before and it is very awkward on me, somewhere between being a fro and being long enough to weigh itself down. I think if I ever cut my hair I'm just going to get a dykey buzz cut. srsly

Rock chase at the Racetrack.


As above, so below:

(enhanced to show detail, note the two Jeeps + two tents)


It became a national park in 1994 but we were so far off the beaten path that nobody has bothered removing this original signage.


Roaming downward into Saline Valley. Click here for pan-o-rama!

I spent the last of 2014 in Death Valley, very far from much of anyone. It was subfreezing the entire time, and most of our water supply was frozen solid by the third morning. Truly a glorious adventure, my fifth trip to this wonderful land over the last decade or so, and absolutely the best yet.

I made my way home alone on New Year's Eve to spend time with my wife as my two friends carried on further into no man's land. That night, whereupon finally reaching the lonesome highway and able to repair my low-on-gas rig to make the final push home, I realized that I don't need any resolutions for 2015, provided that I continue spending my time such as this.
Awesome! Glad you didn't die. Those rocks remind of when pets drag their butts on the floor, except they don't leave behind any streaks of poo. That just gave me an idea...must visit the butt-dragging rocks.
boo to returning early for wife time

im moving to the west coast so i can go on these journeys of (possible) death alongside thee
@Cara, hahaha yes, the butt-dragging rocks were quite possibly the most amazing thing I've yet to witness on this planet. Absolutely otherworldly up there, I'll be going back in a few months. The washboard road leading up to it destroyed one front shock, it became so overheated that part of the casing melted, then the night was so cold it fused itself back together... incorrectly and spewing fluid until I got home.

@Pinto: I wholeheartedly welcome your deathtrip companionship! Get one of those adventure bike motorcycles, I figure those dudes are even crazier than usual motorcyclists. There are always a handful in Death Valley when I've been, personally I need too much gear to survive properly, it'd be pretty difficult to carry 15 gallons of water on a single motorcycle. Oh, and to be fair, ze wife was supposed to go with us, but was held back by a stubborn head cold. Given that she loves New Year's, I felt it my husbandly duty to return home in time to ring in the beginning of 2015. I got home at 10:30pm that night, and was rewarded with much sex over the next few days. Huzzah!

@Jonathan: agreed.
Sure man, I'll send two in case you need a backup. Actually, to save on shipping I'll have the ghost I'm getting from dorian hand deliver. They travel free, if so inclined.
Went exploring today. Felt like taking pictures. So I fucking did.


I really liked this tree. We didn't get a chance to talk alone as two ancient wizards, but I shall return at a later date to share war stories with him.


"Wait let me put a jacket on before you take a picture!"




A month or so back, we heard rumor that there was This Old Cabin at the end of this weird closed road. At the time, it was covered in a foot of snow at the base, and fuck snow hiking (I'm a California boy, my blood is already freezing moon), so we didn't bother with it at the time. However, today there was only a few patches of the white stuff! So off we went. And didn't find a cabin. But I think this is where it used to be. We found 4 pieces of wood that looked semi-structural...


...and this little booger was found near the site. We could only conclude that his charred remains were directly responsible for the destruction of this might've been cabin.



This part was AMAZING. Our run was from high elevation mountains to mid-elevation desert. And halfway between was this really cool juxtaposition of desert flora with the typical mountain variety. Yucca trees were interspersed with pine, it was an awesome transition line for a brief but striking moment in our journey.


Total fucking pinkage.



Thought someone left their lunch in a tree. As it turned out, it was a living journal where various travelers wrote down brief findings of nature in the wee booklet using the pens left behind. Also some candy and coupons, hooray! I now regret not signing my contribution from SLAYER SMITH like I used to in high school year books my sophomore year.


I think I'm allergic to whatever this red shit is.


This is a picture of the nature.